The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free.
But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient.
Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead.
Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?
sounds wise Hann.... sometimes going away can be so stressful, you lose the benefit of any break!
Nothing new with me. Had another foray into Tinderland again, a few ongoing conversations, and a couple of meet for coffees, but still nothing exciting.
chatting still with one guy, he's not overly pushy by text, which is good on the one hand, and we've referred to meeting up, but neither of us seems overly pushing. Which probably speaks volumes!
Actually, i lie, there is something, but it's more a topic for discussion than a potential anything...........
with my team's recent success (Montrose won the league! yay!), I acquired a couple of new male Facebook friends, just guys who go to the games, and I guess with all the chat on social media about it they saw me a fellow fan.
One was this guy who I see often but haven't really spoken to other than to say hello, in fact his friend is far more conversational and friendly (with glam sometimes present partner. shame!)
Anyway I posted an innocuous post one night about my plans, big Fat Zero, and in the mixed comments there was one from the quiet friend saying "would you like to go out for tea sometime?" Totally out of context, totally from left field, I just laughed it off and said "yeah sure, ask me again when you're in the country and not full of beer" (he was on holiday at the time)
He PM'd me and asked if I was free the next saturday, we made a loose plan and that was that. Minor chat, but nothing too in depth. nothing flirty at all.
I can't say I found him unattractive, he was clearly older than me, and nicely turned out.
I asked him on the thursday, out of curiosity how old he was....
you coulda knocked me over when he said 61!!! (I'm 44)
I immediately replied and said "oh crikey, I'm not too sure about the age difference, and i know it's just dinner but y'know I am single, and i am looking for a boyfriend, so if you're looking for similar then i don't think 17 years is feasible."
He replied and said "he understood, but hey lets go for tea and not worry about it. Just as fans to celebrate" He even offered to pick me up (which i declined)
I went, and we talked and talked and talked. The waitress was over several times and we hadn't picked up the menus, let alone decided...
I think we were 3 hours and 3 drinks (1 wine, 1 soft, 1 tea) before we said our goodbyes.
He even walked me to my car,
We had a hug hello and a hug goodbye.
Lots to talk about, music, football, he cycles a bit. We agreed we would go to a gig or two if anything good was coming up.
no way he looks 61, maybe 55 or so, which would be my limit.
At the moment i am taking it at face value, and trying not to analyse it.
Oh Maz, difficult that age thing, isn't it? 17 years is a LOT! My ex hb and I differed 14 years, and it is a different generation really. I was closer to his friend's children than to his friends I also have a friend whose boyfriend is 17 years younger It doesn't seem to matter at all! (allthough I think he is a petulent chilld, but then, I am another 10 years older) I would go with the flow and see what happens. It sounds like you had a great connection.
By my calculations you are within his age band - if you follow the half your age plus 7 rule If you enjoy his company then keep enjoying his company. It sounds like you have plenty in common. Who knows what might happen?
I’ve had an eventful date today. Plan was to meet at his then ride bikes out for lunch. I filled up my car on the way and a few miles down the road when it started stuttering I realised I’d put petrol into my diesel car. I stopped and had to call recovery, they took car away, P came to meet me and we went cycling anyway.
On the way back I went on ahead while he had a comfort break, had stopped to wait when a car came past and said he’d been knocked off. Found him lying sprawled on the road with bike on top, a car had turned right into a t-junction across his path. There were people there already.
Ambulance came, a nice lady gave me a lift to the garage to collect my car, I spent the evening with him in A&E (and nearly got onto Davina’s A&E live programme, we saw her too). He’s broken his arm near the elbow and the bike has broken front forks, probably distorted wheel, and some other damage.
We have been laughing about it but it wasn’t really how we’d expected the day to go!
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