Jan 2018
2:07pm, 26 Jan 2018
3,355 posts
[I didn't even know there was such a thing as having 'your own doctor'. I'm not exactly a regular attender at the docs but I don't think in all my 55 years, I've ever seen the same one twice in a row. I'm registered to a practice and I reckon it's just a case of whoever is available ... which is fine by me.
NB Maybe it's because I live in Scotland ... might be a different system in Englandshire.]
Jan 2018
2:30pm, 26 Jan 2018
1,507 posts
[V'rap we were taught to use ?xxx as short hand for medical notes. I use it all the time. '?pasturella type organism' being the most common. Or ?Salmonella as I am not allowed to identify that as my lab not acredited! The dreaded S, no-one dare speak it's name! Do other medical short hand comments grind your gears? Hx. Abx. etc. PS I'm animal medical, not human medical so you will never get the chance to cross my notes out! Hahahahahaha]
Jan 2018
2:31pm, 26 Jan 2018
1,508 posts
[the classic of course being ?fever in pyrexic aborting goats. Actually became formally known as Q-Fever in the end.]
Jan 2018
2:33pm, 26 Jan 2018
1,509 posts
[It was ?fever as the cause was at the time unknown. The unknown agent was discovered to be Coxiella burnetii. I get too nerdy about these things and shall go back to work now...]
Jan 2018
2:39pm, 26 Jan 2018
37,634 posts
[Many other abbreviations boil my piss too, Cackleberry. I have a colleague who is capable of writing illegible scribble on the computer using a combination of lazy abbreviations and failure to bother with spelling and grammar.]
Jan 2018
2:45pm, 26 Jan 2018
1,510 posts
[At least most of my notes are for my own use.]
Jan 2018
2:46pm, 26 Jan 2018
1,511 posts
[Although, my old boss to refer to E.coli as just 'coli' and that really used to bug me. It's not the same!!]
Jan 2018
2:52pm, 26 Jan 2018
37,635 posts
[I had a microbiology lecturer whose slides referred to a common Pseudomonas species as "pyo". That confused the hell out of me for a while till I twigged what he meant from the context.]
Jan 2018
5:27pm, 26 Jan 2018
128 posts
['coli used to bug me' ...?pun ?deliberate]
(I'll go now)
Jan 2018
2:04pm, 27 Jan 2018
26,233 posts
People in car parks who seem surprised and irritated by the presence of cars.
Rain every day
Being shouted at because others can’t keep track of their own possessions.
Being treated like a gofer