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What has your cat brought you home??

1 lurker | 27 watchers
Aug 2019
12:25pm, 17 Aug 2019
5,833 posts
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Yesterday we had a bird's wing. No sign of the rest of it.

Just one wing, quite large, probably a pigeon.
May 2020
1:19pm, 17 May 2020
23,073 posts
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My friend has 2 very enthusiastic hunters.

Theyโ€™re just over a year old.

Everything from mice to rabbits and robins to blackbirds.

Any suggestions other than bells (they know them off) that she can stop them.
May 2020
1:20pm, 17 May 2020
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Knaw not know
Jun 2020
1:33pm, 21 Jun 2020
7,587 posts
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My cat Rosy, now about 14 I think, is not really much of a hunter, birds are quite safe with her as I've often seen her sit under the hedge with fledglings hopping about and she's not in the bit interested. Mice (and shrews) though - that's a different matter. At this time of year she's bringing them in almost daily - large ones, very small ones (babies), medium sized ones. With or without head attached, sometimes alive but more often not. She often does a particular thing with them, however, and I was wondering if anyone else had noticed the same behaviour in their cat - she will often leave the corpses either near or in her food bowl, the other day she brought a freshly killed one in, played with it for a couple of minutes, then plonked it in her food bowl and proceeded to eat the whole thing (apart from that stomachy bit they always leave - found one of those on the floor by her bowl this morning as well.) Does anyone else's cat do this?
Jun 2020
1:37pm, 21 Jun 2020
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Putting it in her bowl is very tidy. I trod on one dumped in the middle of the lounge carpet last week. Our killer shreds anything with feathers in the hallway where possible as the draughts means hours of fun playing with the feathers
Jun 2020
2:07pm, 21 Jun 2020
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We once had a cat that brought back manky roast potatoes from the bins at the back of the local pub.
Jun 2020
9:31pm, 21 Jun 2020
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Fragile Do Not Bend
Oreo likes to eat his kills under the kitchen table as he knows he will get chased out if he is caught eating it in the house. At this time of year though, he eats anything he catches outside. Going by the feathers on the lawn, I think heโ€™s had a couple of baby goldfinches recently :(
Jun 2020
8:21pm, 28 Jun 2020
97 posts
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LouiseRuns ๐ŸŒน๐Ÿ‡ฌ๐Ÿ‡ง ๐Ÿ‡ช๐Ÿ‡บ
Echo never goes out on her own, so she doesn't bring little gifts back in, but she does like to hunt moths and flies in the house.
Aug 2020
6:47am, 22 Aug 2020
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Minnie Mad
The bad puddy kitten, Stripey, was making a right row in the night, just found half a rabbit under the kitchen table! ๐Ÿคฎ๐Ÿคฎ

Now he's fast asleep at the end of my bed looking very full and pleased with himself and he didn't even attempt to ask me to feed him which he usually does when I get up!!
Aug 2020
8:13am, 22 Aug 2020
439 posts
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Oh no! ๐Ÿคข

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Maintained by runningmumof3boys
since i lost my cat Daisy last week (she was 15) my young tom cat has brought us home 1 x song thrus...
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