May 2020
6:47pm, 25 May 2020
5,763 posts
57.5 Degrees of Pain
[Have the Vogon Constructor Fleet checked with government regulations regarding hyperspace bypass construction under current lockdown conditions?]
May 2020
9:32am, 27 May 2020
46,750 posts
"Dancing Queen" is not a song about a girl every "guy" is desperate to dance with because she's a really, really good dancer, it's about a needy adolescent who is desperate to be the centre of attention.
May 2020
9:55am, 27 May 2020
49,100 posts
(Same as Does Your Mother Know?)
May 2020
9:56am, 27 May 2020
46,752 posts
[I hadn't thought about that, but they're about the same girl, aren't they? ]
May 2020
11:37am, 27 May 2020
64,158 posts
['Guardian' Top 100 No. 1s ^]
May 2020
11:54am, 27 May 2020
46,754 posts
[Yup. That's my childhood spoiled.]
May 2020
12:54pm, 27 May 2020
50,208 posts
Squirrels can survive a fall from any height.
May 2020
1:44pm, 27 May 2020
45,494 posts
Were you watching the same 'squirrel obstacle course' YouTube as us Glenn?
May 2020
1:59pm, 27 May 2020
49,112 posts
How rigorously has this been tested?
May 2020
2:03pm, 27 May 2020
50,209 posts
Quite possibly McG.
Diogenes, the nature of terminal velocity being what it is, you wouldn't need to drop one off *too* high a building to find out. I'm more concerned as to how they discovered that cats were ok up to seven stories.