Weight training -why so sore?

6 watchers
May 2015
1:39pm, 19 May 2015
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Maybe a question is what are you lifting weights for? Am I right in thinking that you want to lift weights to help your running primarily? Maybe you PT is setting a programme for someone who lifts weights in order to lift heavier weights.

Maybe someone more expert on weights can tell me if I am right or wrong, but when I was doing weights (not done any for a year) I used two basic principles: lifting less than 60% of 1 RM does very little; to benefit running, low weights and lots of reps. (Sometimes I'd lift a bit heavier, just because I wanted to feel the effort.)
May 2015
2:51pm, 19 May 2015
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You (usually) lift weights to get stronger, because being stronger will help your running. Therefore I think it makes sense to look at what athletes whose sports are about demonstrating strength train. As a runner, you might not do as much as them, but unless proven otherwise, I'd say they have the best strategies on how to get stronger.

In regards to lifting for endurance, there are more effective options imo.

Here's a good podcast on lifting for runners: scienceofrunning.com
May 2015
11:18pm, 19 May 2015
38 posts
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Thanks everyone I'm really chuffed by the responses. I have a feeling my pt is keen on getting people to lift heavy weights rather than increasing strength. Master shunner what a great post I will drop the wt and increase the reps. SPR can't wait to watch the podcast.

Basically my aim was to get stronger and so reduce risk of injury as I get older (I'm feeling sheepish about that after everyone's post) and possibly by being stronger get back to running faster (kids, lack of training due to kids, work blah blah, age etc have been hampering this). I've lost my ability to 'leave some of myself behind' after a race and need to find a way to recapture that willingness to push myself. Maybe feeling stronger if only psychologically would help that.

Better stop before this turns in war n peace
May 2015
2:46pm, 29 May 2015
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eL Bee!
Wrenrunner - doing resistance training to increase strength makes lots of sense for those of us getting less young.
The benefits are many and varied!!
But the point made earlier about connecting structures (tendons and ligaments) taking much longer to adapt to the increased work, is very important.
Muscles will adapt reasonably quickly, and so you may feel (and are) stronger - but the connecting structures take *months* to catch up, and because you feel stronger the temptation is to move on.
But it you injure the connecting structures, they are a bugger to heal - and you'll not be doing any lifting while they do!
Minimum of 3 months for adapatation - and more in us over 40s as they are less elastic and more friable anyway!
Jun 2015
2:24pm, 1 Jun 2015
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Resistance training makes sense. 5 by 5 for a runner doesn't. That's a body builder's programme for building muscle mass.

I would hazard a guess that your PT is built like a brick outhouse and doesn't run much ?
Jun 2015
2:27pm, 1 Jun 2015
2 posts
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Ooops! forgot to address the main point. DOMS Delayed onset muscle soreness is normal, you'll get that on any programme where you are increasing effort. Did your PT not tell you this in the initial consultation ?

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Maintained by Wrenrunner
Taking the advice of the fast and young I thought I'd try some weight training to try to recapture ...

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