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Waterproof jacket / life spans

6 watchers
Oct 2020
3:22pm, 3 Oct 2020
12,202 posts
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Thanks all, really useful discussion / experience! If nothing else we're offering on some waterproofing fluid!!
Oct 2020
3:37pm, 3 Oct 2020
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If you're after longevity have a look at Paramo. They rely on regular washing and reproofing but they're designed for it. Lots of mountain rescue teams use them. They don't have taped seams because the principle they work on doesn't require them but it means they won't pass kit check on some events, which may be an issue.

Oct 2020
3:47pm, 3 Oct 2020
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I got a very reasonably priced Gore-tex Jacket on SportPursuit last year.
They have some on there now around the £80 range, which is really pretty good for Gore-tex
Oct 2020
4:08pm, 3 Oct 2020
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Another vote for Paramo here for walking only. I wouldnt use it for running, would be far too hot. You do have to keep up with the care regime though. Love mine.

For running I go for cheap. Because of sweat I dont think anything could keep up with me when running, so I just get a lightweight cheap coat to add an extra layer at times for warmth and just accept the fact I get wet when running
Oct 2020
9:46am, 4 Oct 2020
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Another thought - if wanted for walking, have a look at sailing jackets. Mine is >30 years old, no longer used for sailing, but still completely waterproof, and completely weatherproof. (Imhoff - bought at a boat show, probably 1987. The matching dungarees are hanging in the garage and not been used for many years). These were bought before 'breathable' was a thing!
Oct 2020
3:46pm, 4 Oct 2020
35,173 posts
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Nick Cook
I saw a sight this afternoon. A lady running holding an umbrella up! Never seen that before!
Oct 2020
5:44pm, 4 Oct 2020
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Angus Clydesdale
I've got a sailing jacket that is excellent for standing about in, but as soon as you start exercising it's way too warm.
I've got a Berghaus Trango which used to be a go-to mountaineering jacket for the RAF MRT back in the day. Mine is still in really good nick because although it's about 20 years old it spends most of its life in my day sack. It's a relatively heavy goretex jacket which cost quite a lot of money back then.
Paramo is really good kit and is used by a lot of my paddling mates. I find it a bit warm.
My best breathable coat is a military-style jacket made from Ventile cotton. I've only had it a couple of years but am expecting it to last forever. Made by hilltrek hilltrek.co.uk who are a wee family firm based in the Highlands and they are just lovely to deal with. I've also got a poncho made from the same material. Quite heavy though.
Waxed cotton has the advantage of being tough and thornproof. My wax jacket was bough in S Wales Farmers in Bridgend in 1994 and is still going. It was only £25 (on account of not being a Barbour). Probably the best jacket ever! :)

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Maintained by larkim
My better half is in the market for a waterproof jacket which might be used for some running, but al...
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