Nov 2010
11:50am, 24 Nov 2010
1,391 posts
Good luck to everyone doing this - it's on my list of to do's.
Florida is amazing ( very lucky to have spent many holidays there ) and I raced at the Disney World Triathlon back in 2007, excellent event, very well organised, massive crowds ( be prepared to hear "good jaaawb" in your sleep for weeks afterwards. ) and a quality medal.
Wish I was going back soon.
Nov 2010
9:03pm, 24 Nov 2010
502 posts
Minnie Mad
or "waaaay to go...."
Nov 2010
8:01am, 25 Nov 2010
1,743 posts
Dec 2010
11:46am, 9 Dec 2010
1,763 posts
24 days to go!!!!!!!!
Dec 2010
12:28pm, 9 Dec 2010
1,483 posts
Is it really that soon? How is the training going peoples?
Dec 2010
12:33pm, 9 Dec 2010
7,476 posts
Coming along nicely. Could do with more long runs really, got put back with snow, but I'll wing it if I have to.
Dec 2010
12:37pm, 9 Dec 2010
1,484 posts
My long runs have generally been going ok, like everyone else things got a bit scuppered by the ice this weekend, but it actually resulted in me doing a 10 on Sunday (gave up on the 20 due to the conditions underfoot) and then 20 on Monday. It's given me a bit of confidence I can get round a 1/2 and a FM on consecutive days so long as I slow it down on both.
Looking forward to the events AND a holiday!
Dec 2010
1:53pm, 9 Dec 2010
1,764 posts
Same, mines been scuppered due to the amazing amount of ice we still have. But have done a few 10, 13's and an 18 so like you say Girlie, shall be winging it
I really cannot wait.
Dec 2010
2:50pm, 9 Dec 2010
22,743 posts
Hills of Death (HOD)
My longest runs been 12 you can tell I'm taking this v v serious
Dec 2010
2:59pm, 9 Dec 2010
1,460 posts
I'm sure that 12 in British miles converts to 26.2 in Floridian Miles, it's all to do with the exchange rate.