May 2020
10:04am, 12 May 2020
5,062 posts
By the way, gerpster, LCW seem reasonably confident it'll actually go ahead in September (they've just sent out the gpx route files), so perhaps it can go in the side bar
18 - 20 September 2020 * LCW Holland Beesel Limburg Reuver (Raemondo)
May 2020
10:05am, 12 May 2020
5,063 posts
ah, dammit, how do you make this thing do strikethroughs? I've had it work before
[del]bum[/del] :del:bum:/del:
May 2020
10:06am, 12 May 2020
5,064 posts
May 2020
10:10am, 12 May 2020
69,494 posts
Stunningly my 24hour mtb race in July may happen, to be fair they are pretty damn isolated affairs :¬)
May 2020
10:41am, 12 May 2020
49,845 posts
It's easy Rae:
Morning all.
May 2020
10:52am, 12 May 2020
17,983 posts
Angus Clydesdale
May 2020
11:12am, 12 May 2020
119,877 posts
How is LCW in BeNeLux still LCW? We need Dougal to explain. He knows all about this. Well George does anyway
May 2020
11:24am, 12 May 2020
5,069 posts
It's organised by the LCW people (who I think are a subdivision of the ironperson people?).
What annoys me is how on earth they can get away with calling it LCW Holland Beesel when it's in neither of those places... I's not like non dutch folk will be more familiar with Beesel than Reuver, surely?
There is now an LCW Belgium that is actually in Belgium, at least. And it's the week after the new dates for Limburg. I'm not thinking about doing the longer swim and shorter runs and bikes there, honest... (I've actually asked them if I can switch wholesale from to Belgium as the new Limburg dates clash with and event Sam wanted to do. But if they say no I might sign up for some extra Belgium ones for the bling)
May 2020
11:27am, 12 May 2020
21,107 posts
TRO Saracen
LCW = Long Course Weekend. Basically an Ironman length event run over 3 days.
So you can run one wherever you want, although Tenby Pembrokeshire is both the original and best version which is now being exported.
May 2020
11:27am, 12 May 2020
119,880 posts
I’m not going to steal Dougal’s thunder but that’s straightforward compared to his tale.