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Training for half marathon as against 10 miler?

2 watchers
Jun 2015
1:03pm, 23 Jun 2015
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The training is fundamentally the same. As above, you're gonna need to add a 3-5miles onto your long runs, but I cant see there being much else different.

Unless 10 miles felt like a real stretch and your training was suited more to 10k but you just about managed to squeeze a 10miler out of it. In which case... add miles, add reps (if you're doing interval training), slow down on long runs but make them longer.

If the aim is a sub-80, your times suggest you should be capable, maybe just worth considering:

- was I tapered for previous races? If not, a mini-taper will definitely help for a HM.
- Can I increase my total mileage ever so slightly?
- can my long run be a tad longer?

One thing I would say though, is that you shouldnt dramatically change anything now. You're running well, just tweak what you've been doing to polish off the training.
Jun 2015
1:08pm, 23 Jun 2015
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I can't see that it's any more complex than making your long training runs longer if they've been under 12 miles so far, and it's reasonable to do over-distance LSRs for half marathon.

Unlike Chrisull, I see 10 miles as being in the same ball park as the half marathon. And after doing a half marathon or two, it's a joy to race 10 miles and not have to do that pesky parkrun at the end :)
Jun 2015
1:18pm, 23 Jun 2015
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Yes, a HM just start's getting interesting at the 10 mile mark ;-)
Jun 2015
2:26pm, 23 Jun 2015
92 posts
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Thanks for the feedback, everybody. Sorry, I should probably have said that I'd just done a sub-60 10 miler and was now aiming for a sub-80 half, rather than give the misleading impression that this my first half marathon (it isn't!). I was just trying to get a very general feel as to what people regard as being the difference between the two distances in terms of training.

Interesting to read some regarding the 10 miler as belonging to the 10K camp and others to the HM camp. Not sure what I think myself, although I know my best 10 miler before Sunday came on the back of a good HM build-up.

I think it's probably true that I'm missing a bit of distance on my long runs, and I suspect boosting that will probably give me the best bang for my buck. But yes, I probably shouldn't muck about with too much otherwise. I keep thinking I should be doing more long tempo runs, but actually I haven't been doing ANY long tempo runs as such in the last 3-4 months. All I've been doing is a mix of easy miles and interval sessions, with lots of races and Parkruns thrown in, which have presumably filled in for the tempo runs. Given that the classic tempo run pace is supposed to be the pace you can sustain for an hour, I don't suppose you can beat a race which lasts a few seconds under an hour as a long tempo run!

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Maintained by J2R
I managed to attain my 10 mile target time on Sunday, so my next main target is at the half marathon...

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