Reverse 10 - A 10 mile run in Bedlinog, South Wales Sunday 18th August

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Jul 2013
2:55pm, 29 Jul 2013
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The Reverse 10 is a 10 mile race organised by Pontypridd Roadents AC.

1984 was the inaugural year for this event. The race is called the Reverse 10 because a marshalling error in its inaugural year caused all the runners to run the course the wrong way. In recognition of that fact, the mile markers since have always been displayed in reverse order!

The course is run through 2 parks of outstanding beauty including Parc Penallta which was voted into the Valleys Top 50 Essential Sites and run pass the UK's largest figurative earth sculpture 'sultan' the pit pony, the rest of the course is extremely scenic. The course will suit runners of any ability, from joggers up to the elite runners who will use the race as part of their preparation for the Cardiff Half Marathon which takes place six weeks later. The course is flat but contains one uphill and downhill section, approximately 7 miles is run on tarmac whilst the remainder is run on trail paths. To view a map of the course view

Every runner will receive a technical t-shirt and there will be winners prizes and team prizes (first 3 to count)

For more information please visit the website
Oct 2013
8:35am, 15 Oct 2013
296 posts
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Only just seen this, hope it's on next year, looks great!

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Maintained by fetcheveryone
The Reverse 10 is a 10 mile race organised by Pontypridd Roadents AC.

1984 was the inaugural yea...

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