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Tracking Total Training Hours 2012

13 watchers
Dec 2012
11:30am, 1 Dec 2012
2,125 posts
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The Scribbler
Updated. And started December with a slippery parkrun
Dec 2012
11:35am, 1 Dec 2012
18,609 posts
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I had sort of updated. Have now too. Thanks Leggy. :-)G
Dec 2012
2:09pm, 1 Dec 2012
682 posts
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updated still in front just
Dec 2012
3:36pm, 1 Dec 2012
3,923 posts
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Updated. Woefully inadequate.
Dec 2012
5:17pm, 1 Dec 2012
18,910 posts
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ten to go. will be chuffed to get this one ticked
Dec 2012
9:25am, 2 Dec 2012
2,127 posts
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The Scribbler
Harrumph! I was already feeling I had a lot to do to reach my target, then I go and have a rare day of feeling a bit poorly and promise to take it easy. So now I have a whole Sunday to fill and I can't ride my bike or go for a swim. I may end up logging a walk.
Dec 2012
1:29pm, 2 Dec 2012
7,277 posts
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Oooooops sorry I'm late.

Just logged a very cold 200k bike from yesterday, and I took just under 2 mins off my 5m running PB today, 35.07.

117.08 hours for the month, up to 1075 for the year.
Dec 2012
10:02pm, 2 Dec 2012
11,368 posts
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Legless says: 700 ...actual 666.25 target 642.6 + 23.65 hrs (34 hrs in Dec to reach target)
plodding hippo says: Target 500 ..... actual 483 Target 459 +24 hrs (17 hrs in Dec to reach target)
The Scribbler says: 275 ... actual 254:24 target 251.7 +2.54 hrs (20.76 hrs in Dec to reach target)
Loca says: 600.....actual 571 target 550.8 +20.2 hrs (29 hrs in Dec to reach target)
golfpag says: 350hrs....actual 325 target 321.3 +3.7hrs (25 hrs in Dec to reach target)
Gymfreak says: 1100....actual 1075 target 1007 +68hrs )25hrs in Dec to reach target)
AngusClydesdale says: 344...actual 126:56 target 315.8 -189.24 (some you win.........................)
Merry Christmas & Happy NewG(rrr) says: 400 .... actual 372:39 target 367.2 +5.19 hrs (27.31 hrs in Dec to reach target)
Maclennane says: 366... actual 354 target 335 + 19 hrs (12 hrs in Dec to reach target)
Nellers says: 17.33 for the month, 245 total so far. - (not actually sure what your target is m8ty)
Dec 2012
7:18am, 3 Dec 2012
23,320 posts
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Morning, folks. My target was to manage 1 hour per day from when I jumped on this train. Nominally about 320 hours for the year. I'm on 281 at the mo, and I managed 32 in November so I think it's looking unlikely but I'll not miss it by much.

It's been a good motivator, this thread. Thanks, guys.
Dec 2012
8:45am, 3 Dec 2012
18,617 posts
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Merry Christmas & Happy NewG(rrr)
Well done Nellers, that's pretty close. About what I like to do in a year too, just over an hour per day.

Leggy, thanks for the round up. Huge total for you, GF, hipps and Loca.

It has indeed been a nice alternative to track our bike, swim and x-train, not just the miles. Thanks for being Mum, Leggy!

So, for 2013... who will look after us? Should we do a rota for the monthly round up and each take a turn (that's what they do on the 1500 miles thread). Then it won't all come down to Leggy! Well done everyone in 2012 (and keep going for the final push!) and good luck for 2013! :-)G

About This Thread

Maintained by Legless
thread for those feeling left out by all the "???? miles in 2012" threads etc Let's track Hours instead of Miles!


To get your name in lights here on the thread header, please join the group, then keep a note of your target and progress in there. I'll copy it in here periodically!


Hour targets...
Target . Oct......Nov.....Dec

200 . . 167.2 . .183.6 . .200

300 . . 250.8 . .275.4 . .300

333 . . 278.4 . .305.7 . .333

344 . . 287.6 . .315.8 . .344

350 . . 292.6 . .321.3 . .350

365 . . 305.1 . .335.1 . .365

400 . . 334.4 . .367.2 . .400

450 . . 376.2 . .413.1 . .450

500 . . 418.0 . .459.0 . .500

600 . . 501.6 . .550.8 . .600

700 . . 585.2 . .642.6 . .700
1050 . . 877.8 . .963.9 . .1050

Remember, you can set your own target. Doesn't have to be 365 hours. Doesn't even have to be annual. Could be, "I will do 20 hours training in March." or "I will average 3 hours a week for the next 3 months." or "I will do 150 hours for the rest of the year." or whatever. You decide it, plan it, state it, then let's all go do it!!

Good Luck everyone

Legless says: 700 ...666.25 (95.18%) ......... 30/11/12 (91.53) day 335 +3.65%
Bazoaxe says: 500....56:43hrs(11.35%)......31st Jan(8475%)......+2.88%....maybe my target should be 600 !
ultracollie says: 500.... 286 hrs......2nd Sept , not bad considering took 5 weeks off non logging anything. back to old form now so will make this target

plodding hippo says: Target 500 483 wohoo!
The Scribbler says: 275 ... 254:24... 30/11/12
Wriggling Snake says: 354 hours (should be at 366) 96.7%, for a target of 450, masses of hiking lately, so ok, need to bump up weights/core plus bike
Loca says: 600..........571........30th November All being well, it's a done deal

golfpag says: 350hrs....325hrs....92.86%....30/11/12
Anna Bomb says: 400 ....305:20 .... 1/11/12
Gymfreak says: 1100....1075..... 2 Dec
Dvorak says: 333 - Halfway between 300 and 366 ...271.34 ...190/11/12 ... Will try for 300 instead
AngusClydesdale says: 344..........126:56 (36.9%)..........01 Dec 12 (91.8%). Day 336 (- LOTS%). It all started so well......
MikeClease says: 400 ... 96:10 (24%) ... 30/04/2012 (33%) -9%
Merry Christmas & Happy NewG(rrr) says: 400 .... 372:39 (93.1%) ......... 30/11/12 (91.5%) Upgraded back to 400, now ahead of target G
flip says: 700 ....174 hrs 9/06/12
Maclennane says: 366... 354 on 30th November
Frobester says: 500..........286 (57.2)..........7/6/12
Nellers says: 17.33 for the month, 245 total so far.
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