28th - 29th July 2012 Race Details:-
provelosupport.co.uk Helpful notes (curtesy of Meglet):-
http://www.fetcheveryone.com/article-view.php?id=484 Confirmed entrants are......
Solo Mentalists:-
Me (Stander)
Stander's Dad
Board Stupid
Pairs (half as daft - but twice the stupidity):-
Jogging Jon & Mrs JJ
Teams of 5 (conned 4 mates into madness):-
Monty's Shooting Stars - Part III - Monty, Running Hobbit, Liliaicha, Jon G and Silent Runner
Shooting Monty's Stars - RFJ, EvilPete, Kate, Becca and MattM
Thunder Bunnies - Nicki No Miles, Amanda68, Gregster & Richmac
The Cult of the Eternally Deluded - JJ Flash, Clueless, JustMel & Jovi Runner
Damn Willy Wonkas Eyes - Mr SJ, Slow'n'steady, Shadowfax, Weiner Dog and Mr K
Thunder Re-Runners - Lums, Mrs Lums + 3 non fetchies
Teams of 8 (obviously teams from various lunatic asylums across the country):-
Go FETCH yourself - Runningmumof3boys, Becca7, Hills of Death, Fenland Runner, Deegee, RichHL
Cambridge Parkrun - PowerJen, LyraOK, Uffish, DizzyLizzy, Rog36 & "Frank"
Fetch a Bucket - Mystery lineup
Fetch a Squirrel - Schnecke, James1982a, Brer Rabbit + 4 non fetchies