May 2021
11:57am, 16 May 2021
733 posts
forest plodder
Braved torrential rain and got to, and slightly past, Ludlow castle. Another badge for the collection ☺️
May 2021
12:14pm, 16 May 2021
2,049 posts
I went through Hay Castle halfway through my run this morning, so I'm a third of the way to Fetch Towers .
I've been to Hay only once, when I went through it after cycling down from Hay Bluff (brilliant descent ) on my way to Kingston, near the Welsh border. I had a short ride around Hay before leaving on the B4350, although I stopped off at the Co-Op on the edge of town. I had to cross the River Wye to continue.
On the way home from Kingston, I crossed the Wye via the same toll bridge as going. Going out I wasn't charged, but on the return I was!
In the CC, I am now on the same road, B4352, that I used in the early part of my cycle ride back to Cambridge. I remember it well because it was raining heavily and the road was covered in red water with the run-off from the fields.
Where I am stopped for a couple of days now, I don't remember Chris Armstrong,-3.0257733,3a,75y,157.73h,81.49t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1siiVcUiCXCTwDth-xvBnq-A!2e0!7i13312!8i6656 who appears to been having a rest.
I hope he is friendly and lets me in out of the rain.
May 2021
1:14pm, 16 May 2021
5,698 posts
Fizz :-)
Some way behind Darwin, I finally made it past Chepstow thus morning.
I think there’s a church behind the gate, but they don’t want me stopping to find out.
May 2021
1:14pm, 16 May 2021
5,699 posts
Fizz :-)
*this* morning
May 2021
1:37pm, 16 May 2021
9,267 posts
I've found myself right outside a bonus castle - Abergavenny!
May 2021
3:33pm, 16 May 2021
219 posts
So here’s a lovely view
May 2021
3:41pm, 16 May 2021
2,050 posts
Your are right Bex66, it is a lovely view.
May 2021
4:34pm, 16 May 2021
14,304 posts
Only 10 miles behind Darwin now - slowly getting there
May 2021
4:36pm, 16 May 2021
4,092 posts
Snuck past Stirling Lines without being shot.
May 2021
4:43pm, 16 May 2021
3,695 posts
Wombling Plodder (Welsh Womble)
I have not moved very far in the past week due to migraines. Today I had a little shuffle and bagged myself a roundabout for the night 😂