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Good Old Fashioned Paper Diary

15 watchers
Jun 2020
8:49am, 30 Jun 2020
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Last year I got myself an academic diary - day to view as it finished in July the week after Outlaw. I thought it would be nice to plan everything Outlaw in it.

Obviously this never happened thanks to CV19! But I am now thinking 2021.

In the ideal world I would go look prod and feel a new diary - love stationary shopping!

Then I've seen so much about bullet journals or just using a plan notebook.

Then I pondered the idea of a filofax as you can keep the outer and just change pages.

What do you use and why?
Jun 2020
9:19am, 30 Jun 2020
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My job involves a lot of jumping around from project to project, and sometimes it can feel like I've not gotten anything done, so I use mine as a form of "what did I do today?" as well as "what do I need to get done"

Tasks rather than appointments, and I score thru them as I do them, I do put meetings in it too - usually with a highlighter, but they are less at the moment.

It's A4, so I don't take it out, it just sits on my desk.

It's as much evidence of work done, in case I'm ever asked to defend my exisitence!
Jun 2020
9:25am, 30 Jun 2020
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Derby Tup
A5 1 page per day from WH Smith. I got a silver one last year because I was late buying it but usually in black. I’ve just been to see this years and feel like crying (I’ve been furloughed since April 1st)
Jun 2020
9:30am, 30 Jun 2020
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I had a page were I listed event dates and things to pack for Outlaw and training data from PT like watts to use and HR so not training logs
Jun 2020
9:32am, 30 Jun 2020
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Diaries you say...

The first year I actually managed to use a diary (of the times and dates of stuff happening type, not the 'dear diary...' type) for the whole year was 2007. That was the year I finished my undergraduate degree, bought a house, and got my first job in the civil service.

Since then finding my diary for the next year has become an annual ritual that starts in October. Fora long time they had to be A5, day to view, hard bound, usually from Paperchase. Then, in 2017 I couldn't find one there I liked and picked up a not quite A5 (but still day to view and hard bound, some things are simply not negotiable) one from TK Maxx, the next year was a Moleskin with an Alice in Wonderland design (pricey! but it came with stickers), and last year I moved on to Paperblanks (they have a little pocket in the back to keep odd scraps of paper, etc., and come with a little address book. So cute).

This is the current one

Jun 2020
9:33am, 30 Jun 2020
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(I mean A6, not A5. silly raemond)
Jun 2020
9:33am, 30 Jun 2020
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I used to have a lovely pink leather filofax.... about as big as my hand....

I wonder where it is.... it was such a pretty thing...

I do tend to keep my actual social life meetings on my phone, as I have a tendency to overbook myself!

Never used one for training, that's what Fetch is for...
Jun 2020
9:39am, 30 Jun 2020
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Since I started working where I am I have used my own "nice" A5 notebooks rather than their cheap ones! I have kept everyone too just in case! People laugh at me but I have found useful random stuff which would often be forgotten if not written down

Training is def a fetch thing

Current offering is a WHSmith one

When I was teaching in my last 6 months I had a zip up conference file (worked brilliantly shame I quit!) that had a section pre class and my timetable and notes or what achieved to do and what needed reinforcing for every group.

Part of me thinks go back to that but it's not pretty and is big! (and memories)

I do like the choosing idea but not keen on going shopping right now! LOL

Also needs to lay flat
Jun 2020
9:41am, 30 Jun 2020
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2020 is a very lovely book, for what will end up being a funny old year!
Jun 2020
9:44am, 30 Jun 2020
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Derby Tup
I had a big gap in mine last year from late January to mid April recovering from operations. I never thought I’d end up with another gap this year

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Maintained by EvilPixie
Last year I got myself an academic diary - day to view as it finished in July the week after Outlaw....
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