Apr 2020
7:12am, 28 Apr 2020
389 posts
Hey all, going through my phone pics and realise that everywhere I go I seek out street art. Pretty lucky over here in Melbourne, there's loads. Lived in Bristol for 10 years and loved all the banksy stuff too. Would be good to see who else likes it and what shots you've got. I'll start (obviously)...
I used to live near Frankston and this was my favourite
Apr 2020
7:33am, 28 Apr 2020
4,614 posts
Vancouver Jogger
This one might be gone later on today given that it's in chalk and it's raining - but this was drawn by a local 15 yo outside the local secondary school over the weekend.
Apr 2020
7:39am, 28 Apr 2020
12,597 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
I totally love street art... am trying to find out all of our back streets and cool little know patches while we are in lockdown.
Apr 2020
7:44am, 28 Apr 2020
12,598 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
Apr 2020
7:46am, 28 Apr 2020
12,599 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
Love the chalk one. Those are inspired as today it’s raining so your capture is going to be very much a one off
Apr 2020
7:54am, 28 Apr 2020
391 posts
Yeah, good point with chalk, as an artist I'd want my efforts to be around for a while. Witnesed alot of rainbows lately on the pavements, the kids have been keeping busy, lovely to see.
Apr 2020
8:24am, 28 Apr 2020
11,339 posts
I discovered this on my recent walk along a local footpath. Thought they were quite good. Not as impressive as the above though.
Apr 2020
2:10pm, 28 Apr 2020
5,393 posts
Taken in Bristol on New Years Day - this was on the side of a container by a building site
And this is on the side of a pub which has opened a fish and chip shop in Peterborough so it looks like these (name the famous) people are queuing up
Apr 2020
2:26pm, 28 Apr 2020
63,031 posts
Mural depicting aspects of Waterloo's life and history - painted on a huge cocoa warehouse in Liverpool Freeport, near Crosby Marina.
Apr 2020
4:00pm, 28 Apr 2020
12,604 posts
FRU (KeepTheFaith)
OOOOOooo there's so cool stuff there