Jan 2016
9:42am, 17 Jan 2016
25,988 posts
Fleecing Well Muddy
Those are fabulous photos, GC Love the bloke in his boxers and the snorkel man Some really comical faces emerging from the bog
Jan 2016
9:48am, 17 Jan 2016
8,433 posts
Excellent pictures GC. I think I might have been uttering a word beginning with F as I came out of the bog (for some reason autocorrect didn't like 'bog' and tried to change it to 'book'. I don't usually look that muddy when climbing out of a book).
Jan 2016
9:50am, 17 Jan 2016
12,550 posts
Denbies waiting for the start. They are Playing Eye of The Tiger, so it must be time to go. Still trying to decide what to wear.
Jan 2016
9:51am, 17 Jan 2016
25,990 posts
Fleecing Well Muddy
Enjoy Fewer layers than you think, probably!
Jan 2016
10:05am, 17 Jan 2016
21,076 posts
Enjoy Dio
Jan 2016
10:06am, 17 Jan 2016
27,158 posts
Have fun, Dio, Take some layers off! I'm heading out for a bimble
Will check out GC photos when I get back
Jan 2016
10:10am, 17 Jan 2016
1,036 posts
Great photos. Some interesting outfits. The bloke in the boxers must have been frozen!
Good luck Dio.
Just letting breakfast digest before out for a run.
Jan 2016
10:13am, 17 Jan 2016
8,434 posts
Facebook has just come up with some memories. It was on this day four years ago that I entered my first half marathon (and second ever race). I was terrified, hated the training and said 'never again'.
Jan 2016
10:56am, 17 Jan 2016
6,527 posts
lol Carp
for RA
fab photos, a bit jealous good luck Dio RRR RA and anyone else X-C ing
LD - I would be fairy godmother with thermals and boots - but you would suit thermal skimpy
have lost the ability to sleep at the right time, hence haven't been awake v long! Goodness knows why, it's very annoying
We have but instead of nice dry crispy stuff it's wet and slushy and the mud is still wet - so if I can get my arse out for a run it will be on roads instead of the crispy crunchy icy trail I'd hoped for
Jan 2016
11:48am, 17 Jan 2016
13,017 posts
Five miles done but it was a real struggle :-(. I felt very lumbering but I'm hoping that's a result of not having run much recently and things will improve this week.
Hope Dio doesn't get frostbite!
*off to check out GC's photos*