May 2016
2:15pm, 7 May 2016
14,652 posts
Lip Gloss
Back from 7.5 miles which included parkrun, exact same time at parkun this week as last so pretty consistent alrhough maybe too fast today ( for me ) as I want to give Dunecht a good go tomorrow. Have had a radox bath and rollered and will give them a roller again later. Nice here but not as warm as you lot are getting
May 2016
3:54pm, 7 May 2016
12,983 posts
Look what Dave came home from work with
Very excited
May 2016
3:54pm, 7 May 2016
9,975 posts
Oooh! That *is* exciting
May 2016
4:04pm, 7 May 2016
29,594 posts
That is REALLY exciting!!!
May 2016
4:12pm, 7 May 2016
9,584 posts
Carpathius *pompoms*
Commiserations Molesy - next week you'll
Som, yep, that's annoying.
Well done to all parkrunners, hot out there today in a lot of places.
Parkrun followed by 10k race. Neither went well. 38+ minutes for parkrun and then 18+ minutes slower than last year on the 10k. Three minutes a mile slower Never mind, I have another 10k tomorrow :-/
May 2016
4:34pm, 7 May 2016
9,977 posts
Carp, you must be knackered!
May 2016
4:36pm, 7 May 2016
29,595 posts
Too much racing, Carp! I thought I was doing too much trying a 10k this morning but a 5k and 2 x 10ks in a weekend?
May 2016
4:41pm, 7 May 2016
7,249 posts
Take care Carp!
NSC, I hope you're going to spam the forum with pictures from that
you know now Molesy
Spent much of today trying to replace the polycarbonate panels in the greenhouse with a canabalised greenhouse cover - just to get another year or so out of it cheaply. knackered and achy
May 2016
4:47pm, 7 May 2016
14,111 posts
Loved Bushy parkrun. Great day out
May 2016
4:49pm, 7 May 2016
8,631 posts
I've found that my performances have increased and it seems directly related to reducing my number races.
As a comparison:
2016 - eight races 2015 - nine races
2014 - thirteen races 2013 - twelve races