May 2020
10:21am, 13 May 2020
11,413 posts
I watched the blowing-my-own-Trumpeter on the news last night. I did think (again) what a stunningly unpleasant man he is, but it's a crying shame he's in charge too.
I'm not sure he was *trying* to be racist, but when the question came from a Chinese-American the response was particularly insensitive. At that level you'd expect him to notice things and think before speaking.
May 2020
10:21am, 13 May 2020
1,152 posts
Dave W
Thank you Linds. That's appreciated.
May 2020
10:24am, 13 May 2020
36,368 posts
I don't have any expectations of Trump.
May 2020
10:28am, 13 May 2020
1,037 posts
Brighouse Boy
There's some strong opinions expressed on here and sometimes, after reading through several comments, you can easily go away feeling worse than before you started! This is why I "left the room" for a few days.
I can see that Dave W and I are never likely to agree on which brand of politics is best, however, I'm still saddened to see someone leave the thread.
May 2020
10:33am, 13 May 2020
11,416 posts
Perhaps we need an amnesty period. We could always restrict ourselves to only discuss non-UK politics for 24 hours!
Or all just agree that it's okay sometimes to have different views, and continue to treat each other with respect, even if it to challenge respectfully. (That's one of the things I like most about Fetch in general.)
May 2020
10:34am, 13 May 2020
36,370 posts
That ^
May 2020
10:40am, 13 May 2020
23,247 posts
Johnny Blaze
One of my best friends is from Iowa and i always saw him as a slightly right wing Democrat, which he did nothing to dissuade me about.
However, he is a Trump supporter because "Trump is effective". At least he was last time i saw him, which was several months ago. I'd like to think he has changed his opinion somewhat but I rather doubt it. Once people are crossing the river on the horse they can't really change horses halfway across and they double down if anything.
For the same reason I can see lots of people giving Johnson the benefit of the doubt because a) It wasn't his fault the virus happened (which is true) and b) He's had it himself and he's a new father etc etc.
Do they know he is a lazy, complacent numpty who is not up to the job? Or are they so invested in him because of Brexit and gaslit by his Covid bullshit that they can't see the alternative viewpoint?
It "could" be that they will turn on him as soon as we are out of the woods. I don't think that's a given, because the odds must still be on Fleet Street presenting him as "the man who got us through this" as opposed to "the man who got us into this".
There's no doubt in my mind that the country is in for a rough old time over the next 5 years or so. Perhaps people will eventually come round to the viewpoint that the man and his party have delivered paralysis, chaos and calamity upon us for 10-15 years, and will turn against them decisively. I hope so.
May 2020
10:41am, 13 May 2020
677 posts
This did appeal to me:
May 2020
10:43am, 13 May 2020
36,375 posts
May 2020
10:46am, 13 May 2020
1,038 posts
Brighouse Boy
MMM - Agree entirely. It's very easy on-line to get angry at the comments of others, especially if you inadvertently take some of it out of context. It's also easy to feel compelled to respond aggressively to illustrate your point, then end up upsetting others, even if that's not what you intended. Opposing views can sometimes be difficult to articulate in a friendly manner.