Sep 2020
2:08pm, 1 Sep 2020
2,213 posts
Looks like he's going west Gus.
Sep 2020
2:11pm, 1 Sep 2020
2,214 posts
Rather than going all the way up to Inchnadamph is it feasible to go to Conival and BMA by approaching them from the south via Benmore Lodge?
Sep 2020
2:57pm, 1 Sep 2020
3,969 posts
K5 Gus
Inchnadamph it is then, a bit surprised by that
Sep 2020
9:58pm, 1 Sep 2020
10,976 posts
Big roads (well, for the NW - it's still single-track with passing places south of Ledmore) and big paths then. No wilderness excursions, which maybe makes sense after a night of big hills rather than sleeping. Heading in from the south past Benmore Lodge was never on - much too far and off-piste higher up (from experience). I'm not thinking about how just how much quicker the bike is (since I don't bike) making a strategy of up-and-down then back to the bike the sensible strategy.
So, the final two Munros, with a big push through the night (again!). When does the clock stop? If this is a summit to summit records, he was on top of Ben More on Mull at 7am on the 1st of August, so is it by 7am tomorrow morning at the cairn on top of Ben Hope for 31 days xx hours?
Sep 2020
10:03pm, 1 Sep 2020
2,216 posts
Thanks Andy, I wondered if you could possibly get a good way up past the lodge on the bike and if it wasn't as off-piste as the map suggests.
As far as I know the record is timed from first summit to last summit. And i can't see how it can be anything else because there is no other defined start/finish point.
Sep 2020
10:09pm, 1 Sep 2020
3,970 posts
K5 Gus
Not far from Crask now - whilst I want him to be as fast as possible, he must be pretty much zombie like by now, so would prefer if he didn't go for it through the night tonight, better to grab 6 or 7 hours sleep and do it in safely in daylight tomorrow and enjoy it.
I too was wondering about the timing, whether it was road before Ben More to road after Ben Hope, or summit to summit, but as the tracker is showing road before Ben More to Ben Hope summit, then guess that's what it must be
Sep 2020
10:30pm, 1 Sep 2020
2,218 posts
Having just flicked through Spyke's blog I think you are right Gus. Do you have to start with Ben More and finish with Ben Hope? And if not does that mean the start point has to be at sea level do you think?
Sep 2020
11:12pm, 1 Sep 2020
2,219 posts
Looks like he's off up the last two.
Sep 2020
6:52am, 2 Sep 2020
10,978 posts
Well that's simply phenomenal. Utterly awesome.
1st August, 7.00am, Ben More, Mull 2nd September, 5.02am, Ben Hope
All the Munros climbed, with bike/kayak between in 31 days and 23 hours (and 2 minutes). Since Donnie's orange icon in the tracker has remained at the summit of Ben Hope, that surely must mean the timing is based on summit to summit, which is more sensible.
My guess is that someone at Opentracking switched off the tracker when they got up about an hour ago (at 5:57am) with Donnie being two-thirds of the way back down to the van. He'll be a bit tired.
History in the making!
Sep 2020
6:58am, 2 Sep 2020
3,971 posts
K5 Gus
Well done Donnie and Rachael, an absolutely amazing team effort, both in planning and execution.
I make it 31 days, 23 hours 2 mins - my instinct is to say that's going to stand for a very long time, but after this summer's exploits, who knows !!