The Green Runners

12 watchers
29 Mar
1:50pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Dave A
Sure, but "only doing a few long-haul flights for my leisure activities" is an extremely low bar.

Must be a different article you are reading as I can’t find that quote in the one I’ve just read.
29 Mar
1:58pm, 29 Mar 2024
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They've both pledged to fly a maximum of once a year. Yes, they used to do more but is no-one allowed to change and admit they were wrong in the past?
29 Mar
4:03pm, 29 Mar 2024
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I just don’t think people flying long-haul for their holidays are really addressing climate change very meaningfully. The physics doesn’t care how they dress it up with explanations or excuses.
29 Mar
4:20pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Have to say I agree.

If they want to compete in the Barkley and fly long haul then that’s fair enough. I just don’t think it goes anywhere near agreeing with the rest of their ethos and I highly doubt it helps set any example to what they’re otherwise trying to achieve. In fact the opposite.
29 Mar
4:21pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Dave A
Again, I think you are reading a different article to the rest of us. I can’t see anything about holidays in the post I’ve just re-read to make sure I haven’t missed anything.
Could you post a link to the article you’re reading with the quotes and terms mentioned?

Like I say. They aren’t perfect, no one is. They are just trying to make a small difference and encourage others to do so to try to protect the future of the planet. A lot of small changes can have a massive effect.
29 Mar
4:33pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Thanks for starting the thread, Phal. I've been meaning to join Green Runners for a while after hearing about them on a podcast and this is the nudge I needed :-)

I'm halfway through Damian's book which I started after reading Sarah Wilson's This One Wild and Precious Life which I also recommend. Wilson's book is the one that inspired me to have a go at not buying anything (other than the necessities - eg food) in 2024. I'm 3 months in.

And none of us can ever be perfect at this but surely doing something is better than doing nothing. We're all hypocrites to some extent when it comes to trying to live more sustainably. Rather than beat myself up for not being perfect I think of Jonathan Pie saying "when it comes to the climate crisis, you're either a hypocrite or an arsehole. It's time to decide which one you'd rather be"
29 Mar
5:37pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Thanks, Bint.

I’ll have a look for the book, thanks for the recommendation.

I agree, we are all hypocritical because there will always be places that we slip up or, being honest, loosen up because it’s an area where it suits us to. It’s about making considered choices as and where we can. We can just try.

jda - I just feel you are here to poke and prod rather than add to the discussion. As Kinky and Dave have put, that’s not part of the article - please back up your points rather than make a sweeping generalisation aimed at them. Maybe you do find it all hypocritical and you are perfectly allowed to have your view. But it’s a place where they have made the choice as it suits them and their want to compete/take part and sailing there by boat is not feasible and you can’t get a train so…. It’s a considered choice. Have you been to the site and read more about how they work? Or the pledges that are made?

It’s encouraging others to think. Those that want to will, those who don’t want to, won’t. Those who are on the fence when reading about things might see that they can start to make small changes they haven’t considered and it can all add up and help.

I do like Johnathan Pie 😉😀
29 Mar
5:38pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Derby Tup
The Jonathan Pie quote is great

The patched up Inov8’s made me smile
29 Mar
5:48pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Yes, we're all hypocrits. Should I not be part of the discussion or group because I don't drive an electric car, I'm not 100% vegetarian and I bought a new pair of running shorts a few weeks ago?

Jasmine pledging to now have several years of no flying, and ditching all sponsorship seems very aligned with the ethos. We do what we can, and I think that imperfect people set a far better example than those who are so perfect that they are utterly unrelatable to and tend to put people off from even trying ("I'll never be good enough so why bother at all...).
29 Mar
7:02pm, 29 Mar 2024
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Derby Tup
Spot on Kinky

My first thought was what are they doing preaching then flying to the US, but I agree with you

About This Thread

Maintained by phal
I’ve added a club for The Green Runners if there are any more folk out there who have taken the pledge and joined them.

I read Damian Hall’s ‘We Can’t Run Away From This’ in 2022 and since then have been changing my approach to kit and use of stuff in general across all areas of life. I’ve always been a big ‘mender’ of things but actually seeing the stark numbers of waste and emissions for producing new kit is quite mind boggling.

It’s a good read and really shows how muc...

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