The 5:2 diet

1 lurker | 89 watchers
Jan 2017
10:07am, 12 Jan 2017
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One of the guys in my team is doing this. You know when he's on a '2' day because he's as grumpy as hell.
Jan 2017
10:08am, 12 Jan 2017
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haha, think that might be me!!
Jan 2017
4:07pm, 12 Jan 2017
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I'm going to giving another go starting next week , I did loose some doing it early last year got to a weight for a race then pilled it back on again , tried a few other diets like paleo etc but too hard to stick to when having meals with family etc this is easier for me to control on the 2 days and not worry too much on the other 5 :-)
Jan 2017
11:12pm, 17 Jan 2017
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First fast day tomorrow. I have a tendency to eat when I'm bored so need to keep myself busy.
Jan 2017
8:49am, 18 Jan 2017
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I've started this week , on my second fast day today , looking forward to tomorrow , bathroom scales battery had gone which I replaced this morning so didn't do a weigh in at the start of the week - fasting days likely to be Mon and Weds due to other commitments on other days and fitting in around either low mileage or rest days from running :-) low cal yogurt for breakfast and some 5 cal hartleys Jellies during the day along with a weightwatcher crumble bar , low cal ready meal for tea then I'm done :-)

I do find it easier to resist naughty food on the "5" days when I'm doing this tho , I was offered donuts at work yesterday but declined with the thought process of "I fasted yesterday and I'm fasting tomorrow lets not undo it all today with a donut !" :-)
Jan 2017
9:56am, 18 Jan 2017
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I'm keeping husband company on this but not at quite such a low calorie intake. Mosley's blood sugar diet is basically a low GI diet based on 800 calories per day, with a 5:2 option if you're not up for a VLCD diet long-term.

This week we're doing back to back 800 days. Yesterday I ran and did Pilates as well but for some reason didn't feel all that hungry. I'm having skimmed milk coffees plus vegetable soups & stirfries and pulse-based things like veggie burgers. Making my meals look a decent size even if they're only 200 or 250 calories helps me feel as though I've had a proper meal despite the calorie content being what would usually be a snack (two or three biscuits!) And avoiding anything high GI helps limit the crankiness.

Reserving judgment as to whether it will result in weight loss; I'm also restricting calories a bit on three other days and at the weekends just trying to keep to low GI stuff as I find counting every single day unbearably boring.

When I did it before (also keeping husband company -- it was a great success for him but three years on it's sort of crept back again) I didn't really lose anything and found it affected my ability to run the day after a fast. This time I'm running (short and slowish) on my fast days with no problem and I'm hoping that with a bit of restriction on other days it'll help.

End of essay!
Jan 2017
10:45am, 18 Jan 2017
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I'm just doing one day this week. I've been wondering about the best way to fit this in around exercise (not that I'm actually doing any atm!!). I think Mon and Thu would probably work best as I may start back at running club next week, which is Tue and Thu - but your point about being affected the day after rather than the fast day is interesting sallykate. It'll be a case of trial and error I guess!

I'll be having a couple of boiled eggs for brunch in about half an hour, and a stir fry for tea - this works well as the family can have noodles with theirs and I'll just go with extra veg.

Sugar free jellies is a most excellent sweet treat (18 cals for a pint!!) - thanks for the tip there Gromit :-)

I remember back in my 20s when I used to go on VLCDs I used to drink Chicken Bovril a lot to stave off hunger pangs. mfp says 16 cals per 12g serving which I'm hoping is enough for a cup of chicken stock soup! I shall go rummaging through my kitchen cupboards later to see if I have any!
Jan 2017
10:50am, 18 Jan 2017
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Yep I remember Bovril being my friend before , I need to get another jar bought ! :-)
Jan 2017
10:57pm, 18 Jan 2017
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Total cals for today 573! Quite pleased with that :-) Feel a bit headachy now but that could be down to not drinking any lattes (I normally have a couple a day!) rather than lack of food as I don't feel hungry at all. Going to bed now as although I don't feel hungry I can feel the need for nibbles coming on!!
Jan 2017
8:18am, 19 Jan 2017
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last time I did the 5:2 I remember short runs on fasting days no issue , don't recall doing run the morning after a fast day , did 4 miles this morning after fasting yesterday - boy was that hard slow work !

On the plus side I reckon I've dropped a good 5/6 lbs this first week :-)

About This Thread

Maintained by Spark
Anyone want to try it with me?

Info -

5 days of 'normal' eating and 2 days eating 600 calories (men), 500 calories (women).

Fast days are best not done on consecutive days, unless you have amazing willpower.

Helpful links-

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  • food
  • health
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