May 2017
12:21pm, 30 May 2017
1,776 posts
Eynsham Red
Is it really safe if people get lost .B.? 😲
May 2017
12:26pm, 30 May 2017
31,386 posts
I lost the route a couple of times when I did it on my own but I just asked people for directions, no problem
May 2017
3:57pm, 30 May 2017
15,083 posts
Doc Moye
how can you get lost if there is a big river to follow
May 2017
4:09pm, 30 May 2017
31,388 posts
It's surprisingly easy as evidenced by my blogs at the beginning of January 2015
May 2017
5:13pm, 30 May 2017
18,590 posts
Ha Doc you better believe it! Although it sounds as if the bit Fleecy, Wine Legs and I got lost in, around Battersea, on TBC1 (I think) is the bit that McG says is out of bounds now anyway.
It's not looking good for me for the June TBC - our Devon builder is at last starting work on phase 2 this week and June 10th will be our first opportunity to go down and check on progress.
May 2017
5:52pm, 30 May 2017
1,778 posts
Eynsham Red
Yes Doc. If you find yourself in Cricklade, best turn round 😀
May 2017
7:02pm, 30 May 2017
15,086 posts
Doc Moye
Do we get maps to follow ?
May 2017
7:48pm, 30 May 2017
26,294 posts
May 2017
8:12pm, 30 May 2017
8,421 posts
I did make maps for TBCwhichever, and the big boys made them into paper darts and flew them into the river. Or at least, I don't think anyone really felt they needed them.
I was hoping I'd be able to get along for at least part of June's, but logistics of playing a gig that night say no.
May 2017
8:58pm, 30 May 2017
31,396 posts
You don't need maps, the Thames path and any diversions are signposted and anyway no-one ever runs alone.