Thames Bridges challenge

2 lurkers | 112 watchers
Jan 2017
7:43pm, 29 Jan 2017
28,573 posts
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I'm going to see how this week pans out before committing to definitely coming, but I probably will. If I do I'll come by train, are we meeting at the station or elsewhere?
Jan 2017
7:52pm, 29 Jan 2017
674 posts
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JC - as discussed at XC this AM I'm up for doing the longer run. And I could be tempted by a cheeseburger and a beer.

I did notice that the long route skips a bridge (!) - the IDR bridge, which admittedly isn't pretty, but you can't do Reading without doing the IDR.
Jan 2017
8:49pm, 29 Jan 2017
553 posts
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Going Commando! - Long - Pub
Just Commando! -Short- Pub (11/12min miles)
Fleecy -Long-Pub
Fidgety Midget -Long -Pub
Fraggle - short (ish) can prob join you for most of the shorter loop and maybe for a drink afterwards
Serendippily - Long - Pub
alpenrose - short - Pub
sallykate - short - Pub
ChrisHB - short is possible - Pub
Captain S - Long - Pub
Eynsham Red - Short - Pub
Mazlin - Long - Pub
sinj999 - long (if not too fast) - PUB
Jan 2017
9:10pm, 29 Jan 2017
675 posts
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Going Commando! - Long - Pub
Just Commando! -Short- Pub (11/12min miles)
Fleecy -Long-Pub
Fidgety Midget -Long -Pub
Fraggle - short (ish) can prob join you for most of the shorter loop and maybe for a drink afterwards
Serendippily - Long - Pub
alpenrose - short - Pub
sallykate - short - Pub
ChrisHB - short is possible - Pub
Captain S - Long - Pub
Eynsham Red - Short - Pub
Mazlin - Long - Pub
sinj999 - long (if not too fast) - PUB
Waveydavey - long - pub
Jan 2017
9:23pm, 29 Jan 2017
2,234 posts
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Pub menu looks good! I'm just about to book my train tickets. Are we still meeting at 11?
Jan 2017
10:39pm, 29 Jan 2017
6,524 posts
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Gutted, but I'm a possible, rather than a probable for this now. Just too much else been going on. Hardly been home and need to keep on good side of OH to be cleared to do VLM.
If I do make it, then I'll be the long route :-)
Jan 2017
11:55pm, 29 Jan 2017
132 posts
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Going Commando! - Long - Pub
Just Commando! -Short- Pub (11/12min miles)
Fleecy -Long-Pub
Fidgety Midget -Long -Pub
Fraggle - short (ish) can prob join you for most of the shorter loop and maybe for a drink afterwards
Serendippily - Long - Pub
alpenrose - short - Pub
sallykate - short - Pub
ChrisHB - short is possible - Pub
Captain S - Long - Pub
Eynsham Red - Short - Pub
Mazlin - Long - Pub
sinj999 - long (if not too fast) - PUB
Waveydavey - long - pub
Funkyplates - long - pub

I'm just falling in with the HDS crowd re long run. I'll try and keep up as I'll have already done 5 miles before I get on the train.
Jan 2017
9:56am, 30 Jan 2017
1,212 posts
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Going Commando! - Long - Pub
Just Commando! -Short- Pub (11/12min miles)
Fleecy -Long-Pub
Fidgety Midget -Long -Pub
Fraggle - short (ish) can prob join you for most of the shorter loop and maybe for a drink afterwards
Serendippily - short - (Pub)
alpenrose - short - Pub
sallykate - short - Pub
ChrisHB - short is possible - Pub
Captain S - Long - Pub
Eynsham Red - Short - Pub
Mazlin - Long - Pub
sinj999 - long (if not too fast) - PUB
Waveydavey - long - pub
Funkyplates - long - pub
Ploddington Bear - short - (pub)
Jan 2017
9:58am, 30 Jan 2017
1,213 posts
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(Figure we are meeting at pub at 11 .B?)
Jan 2017
9:58am, 30 Jan 2017
4,770 posts
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Pub looks great! Can we still leave bags there if necessary?

Are long and short starting at the same time? I couldn't remember. Thinking I might be up for the long one but would prefer to decide on the day.

About This Thread

Maintained by McGoohan
Welcome to the TBC thread.

1. Cross a bridge when you can.
2. Try not to fall in.
3. That's it.

Next event: 8th March 2025

Route: TBCed

Join the event here:

Listing to come veeeehhhhry shortly

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