Thames Bridges challenge

1 lurker | 112 watchers
Jun 2016
6:31am, 8 Jun 2016
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Sorry TBC 3
Jun 2016
7:46am, 8 Jun 2016
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Hello TBCers. Look at today's route pic of the day, for a smile
Jun 2016
8:26am, 8 Jun 2016
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Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery...
Jun 2016
7:56pm, 12 Jun 2016
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This is the plan so far. Any problems – shout!

Meet at Hampton Court station off the 09:42 train arrival. Admire wheelbarrows, get bacon butties and coffee. Toilets available.

Arjin leads us (after parkrun?) to Race Headquarters, aka his car, preferably parked in one of the two southern car-parks. Alternatively, my car if Arjin drops out. Perhaps those running the short route can manage without leaving stuff in the car they need before the long route is completed.

Start running 10:30. Anyone arriving half-an-hour later by train can still manage.

The short route is from there to Hampton Court Bridge, left (downstream) along the river to Kingston Bridge and back through Bushy Park. The short route involves crossing no Thames Bridges and is therefore a worldwide first for a TBC.

Finishers now proceed to the Pheasantry for coffee and cake and to assert ownership of tables.

The long route continues to Hampton Court Bridge and turns right (upstream) along the Thames. Everyone runs as far as they can before they turn round and come back, carefully calculating so as to arrive at the Arjin's car at exactly 12:30 (or some other time to be announced.) The long route involves crossing exactly one bridge twice, so is another worldwide first for a TBC.

Eat at the Pheasantry or there must be 50 eateries just across the river. I'll make a choice this week. It'll be helpful to get some of the “possibles” turning into “definites” or “regrets, but there'll be another time.”
Jun 2016
8:01pm, 12 Jun 2016
7,446 posts
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ooo, if I catch the 7.15 from here I could just get the one arriving at 09.49, still only a maybe, but at least I can see it is possible :)
Jun 2016
9:15pm, 12 Jun 2016
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Come to think of it, the last TBC was extremely short on bridges, but did have a tunnel.

Anyone who wants is welcome to use the ferry as a means of avoiding Hampton Court Bridge.
Jun 2016
9:52pm, 12 Jun 2016
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Something has come up that evening would mean racing back up to Cambridge instead of to my sister's in London. Next time for me maybe.
Jun 2016
10:32pm, 12 Jun 2016
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That's a shame. Next time.
Jun 2016
10:57pm, 12 Jun 2016
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Thanks Chris. Is there a plan B for meeting up for anyone who wants to run Bushy? Should they stay in the park as 9.42 may be a bit tight to get across to HC. Or do you envisage lots of faffing at HC?
I quite fancy getting the ferry on the way back. I ran past it this morning and there was a lady ringing a bell to get the attention of the ferryman. How quaint :-)
Jun 2016
11:10pm, 12 Jun 2016
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I rang the bell the the first time I was in the area.

You mean the parkrun? I am supposing that the parkrunners will wander to the station to find those who arrive at 09:42 still eating bacon butties, or else we'll use phones and Fetch shirts to ensure we meet.

About This Thread

Maintained by McGoohan
Welcome to the TBC thread.

1. Cross a bridge when you can.
2. Try not to fall in.
3. That's it.

Next event: 8th March 2025

Route: TBCed

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Listing to come veeeehhhhry shortly

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