Jul 2021
5:59pm, 8 Jul 2021
26,318 posts
I'm not a tattoo person and would never get one but was thinking of getting a temporary tattoo of the word believe to put on my arm for my big event.
Anyone got experience of the temporary ones?
Will it survive a long day of swim (wetsuit) bike run?
Jul 2021
6:10pm, 8 Jul 2021
963 posts
Sam Jelfs
I have no idea about temp tattoos, mine are of the permanent kind, but you might want to look at Henna, they tend to last a couple of weeks before fading out.
Jul 2021
6:13pm, 8 Jul 2021
First-time poster!!
Make a stencil and use a permanent marker. That should last a few days.
Jul 2021
6:20pm, 8 Jul 2021
26,319 posts
I had thought of a Sharpie!
Jul 2021
6:22pm, 8 Jul 2021
49,804 posts
I got one (sort of) at the All Points East fest in London a couple of years ago.
Looks crap if I say so myself
Jul 2021
6:37pm, 8 Jul 2021
26,320 posts
I was this
Jul 2021
6:41pm, 8 Jul 2021
1,719 posts
Homeless Kodo
I know three people I know who had temporary tattoos. They ended up with smudges where the temp tattoo was at around 3 years post tattooing. 1 got the smudge removed by laser the other two had permanent tattoo cover ups.
It would likely survive the day but then there will be the aftermath to deal with. How worth it would it be to get a temp tattoo for one day’s use compared to the time it’ll be around after? As has been previously said traditional henna may be a better alternative.
Jul 2021
6:42pm, 8 Jul 2021
53,378 posts
Can you still get Letraset?
Jul 2021
6:42pm, 8 Jul 2021
1,720 posts
Homeless Kodo
We’re talking about different types of temp tattoos, ignore me.
Jul 2021
8:24pm, 8 Jul 2021
3,183 posts
Minnie Mad
Try some of those kid's temporary tattoos, there are some lovely ones. They come off after a day or two with some nail varnish remover. It should survive a triathlon, in fact some triathlon numbers that I have seen are temporary tattoos!
I remember buying some anchor ones for my cousin before he joined the Navy much to my Auntie's horror!