If I am running/cycling long and know I will be out for hours I always use P20 but it occurred to me that I'm getting older and it's getting hotter for longer which made me think.
If it's only a 30-45 mins run I wouldn't normally bother and TBH I don't think I bother when I go for a walk or garden.
When I run commute I "forget"
So when should you use it and what factor?
I run into work at 6 (70ish mins) then return at 4:50 do I need it both ways or just on the return?
Should I stick with P20 or something else?
If I use "sun sleeves" do I need to put cream on my arms?
And legs ... I tend to forget legs unless I am cycling for some reason.
I never sit out in the sun for the sake of it so my exposure is only during exercise.
What's best and when? My face cream (when I remember!) is SPF 15 is this OK or should I use a proper cream on my face too?
I always use a weather app to check UV levels and if it's low I don't bother, if it's medium or above I put suncream (I use the Met Office app for the UK, AccuWeather for abroad).
I tend to go for a higher SPF (I think it's 50, might be even higher for the face cream). I don't put it anywhere that's covered with clothes, but I do put it on the legs 😊
Like you EP, and because I'm outside at some point nearly every day and I'm becoming a bit of a wrinkly old fart, I'm in the habit of using a moisturizer on my face with SPF 15, every day. They are quite hard to come by though and I still wonder why this isn't a more general thing. If you're going to put something nice on your face, why not include some sun protection?
Other than that, P20 or P50 (upthread) seems to do the job. But I tend not to bother if I'm going to be out for less than 60 minutes. There used to be a thought that mild daily exposure has a slightly protective effect (it's the 'burning' that's the real issue) but that's probably not true.
If you cover yourself in suncream i don't think you absorb and Vitamin D, or build up much if any natural protection to the sun, so if you're going to do it, do it and don't forget.
P20 / P50 needs time to soak in to be fully protective i believe.
Also, why SPF protection isn't included in more moisturisers is because i think it makes the liquid thicker and less "nice"
We use SF30 on face and neck with sunhat and buff around the neck. We're working outside every day all day. In summer we use a brand that has midge repellent.
We tend not to wear shorts on the fells because of the danger of Ticks.
If I am running/cycling long and know I will be out for hours I always use P20 but it occurred to me that I'm getting older and it's getting hotter for longer which made me think.
If it's only a 30-45 mins run I wouldn't normally bother and TBH I don't think I bother when I go for a walk or garden.
When I run commute I "forget"
So when should you use it and what factor?
I run into work at 6 (70ish mins) then return at 4:50 do I need it both ways or just on th...
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