May 2023
1:51pm, 18 May 2023
21,133 posts
You can omit the column number if you're using as a VLOOKUP as there's only one column to return. Ah, thanks - the tutorial page I was refreshing myself on used the whole array in the first index, but I should have remembered the single column approach!
May 2023
2:02pm, 18 May 2023
40,562 posts
Yes, once you're using the single column approach, it's not all that complicated and then you have all the advantages of never having to change the source data to get your lookups to work.
May 2023
5:41pm, 18 May 2023
5,289 posts
run free
At the same time I prefer to use Power Query to pull data from one table into another. It is easy peasey compared to Index/Match and doesn't have the limitations as the Vile Lookup
May 2023
10:20pm, 18 May 2023
70,319 posts
My finance team are challenged by a SUMIF(). Power Query would give them the a fit of the vapours.
May 2023
11:49pm, 18 May 2023
5,292 posts
run free
I bet they would love power query cos just need to learn to point and click 😍
May 2023
12:21am, 19 May 2023
70,329 posts
Goodness run free. You have no idea.
May 2023
9:34am, 19 May 2023
40,565 posts
Point and click without understanding is extremely dangerous, lol.
May 2023
10:42am, 19 May 2023
5,293 posts
run free
GlennR I may not know yr people but I have taught enough people to know they find formulas harder to understand compared to point and click. Following a process seems to be easier to understand compared to understanding the parts of a formula
And spr there are plenty of people making incorrect calculations becos they don’t understand the formulas they are using. They simply see that it has output a value so assume it is correct
May 2023
11:22am, 19 May 2023
40,566 posts
Possibly runfree, but having those same people point and click is a recipe for disaster.
May 2023
11:23am, 19 May 2023
40,567 posts
Now if someone else is reviewing the process and telling them what to do, it's different but not sure those same people can come up with the correct process in the first place.