May 2017
10:08am, 5 May 2017
19,424 posts
is it? are we?
May 2017
11:55am, 5 May 2017
4,776 posts
We're past the deadline for entries, so unless flanker slapped an entry in anyway....
May 2017
11:25pm, 5 May 2017
16,972 posts
It is. And we aren't.
I need a year off after the last couple (not to mention I completely forgot about the deadline!).
But as I know at least 3 of the faster ever-presents can't make it I think we'd struggle again anyway.
May 2017
11:28am, 8 May 2017
4,781 posts
I don't blame you flanker, and it does sadly seem to be a struggle to fill 17 spots. Odd that for a running site!
May 2017
2:13pm, 8 May 2017
16,975 posts
It's not so much filling it, but filling it with people who can run the necessary 8:30s rather than 10-12mm. That was the issue last year, and having lost 3 of those than can do sub-8 due to other commitments I couldn't see it ever happening.
May 2017
2:17pm, 8 May 2017
18,337 posts
flanker - have you got any contact details for the organisers?
May 2017
2:24pm, 8 May 2017
16,976 posts
Not to hand. They're on the rnr site though I believe, depending on what you need to get in touch with them about
May 2017
2:30pm, 8 May 2017
18,338 posts
I was just gonna ask a few questions. Can only find an email address on the site.
May 2017
2:52pm, 8 May 2017
60,565 posts
I used to love this event.
Flanker - if you run a team next year and need that quicker runner I'm still solid for 10 miles. May even still have a one off 20 in my legs.
May 2017
3:41pm, 8 May 2017
12,231 posts
Fenland (Fenners) Runner
I have been extremely fortunate to have run this event loads of times and more than a couple of different legs, six I think.
It is unlike any other running event I've completed or competed.
Flanker (and KinkyS) have carried the banner for many years. Would be a shame if Fetch never had another appearance.