Reducing single-use/disposable plastic

1 lurker | 72 watchers
Mar 2018
8:12pm, 2 Mar 2018
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Red Squirrel
Yum. That reminds me, paneer. It's been ages since I made it. Desperate to get my own kitchen back soon!
Mar 2018
8:49am, 3 Mar 2018
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Hi guys been lurking for a while.

Been thinking about making yoghurt for while now - you guys have totally convinced me to sort it out

Re the cheeky wipes. I used similar on my son (now 13) who was in cloth nappies. They were small squares of toweling and I still have a lot of them today which I use for various purposes around the house.

I recall my friend who was also using cloth nappies on seeing my commercially bought re-usable wipes going home and just cutting up an old towel!
Mar 2018
9:06am, 3 Mar 2018
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Red Squirrel
I use old towels and socks as cloths.
Mar 2018
11:02pm, 7 Mar 2018
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run free
Has anyone tried making moisturising cream? My last experiment with coconut oil and aloe vera didn't go well but am using the stuff up anyhow, having to put it on the radiator to melt it first. Maybe should have made it into a bar format.
Mar 2018
8:38pm, 13 Mar 2018
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First time using safety razor tonight... very impressed with the resultsand not 1 cut which surprised me!
Mar 2018
12:54pm, 14 Mar 2018
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Wine Legs
So... I purchased two mahoosive waterproof bags from
because I figured I'd NEVER get around to making them. I started sending cloth nappies this week, and the childminder is using them. We're also going out of the house more frequently with the kids in cloth - especially smaller/shorter trips like parkrun, the supermarket, swimming, kids football etc. I still haven't braved overnight in cloth. I need to though. It should be fine!

My yoghurt making is going well. It's really nice and so simple to do. The wide neck flask makes it so easy to make 1.2L at a time. This is the one I purchased:
It gets stored in old massive mayonnaise jars in the fridge. I'm not sure what to do with all the whey I'm producing though! (I strain it for about half an hour when it's done to thicken it up a bit. So yummy).

I also made some beeswax cloth on Sunday. It's being used for wrapping cheese at the moment, and we have another couple of sheets too. I bought the wax from here:

I've got plenty of cotton fabric around to make more too, which I might do as I have loads more wax to use.

I need to get our wee veg plot sorted soon too and get some things planted. That should save some plastic. I meant to ask SilverShadow about food bags yesterday (she was collecting old Serpie vests to make Fetch bunting for VLMLMLMLLM Fetchpoint who are trying to be plastic free)...must remember on Friday when we are at hers.

It's funny. Each time I do things like this at home, it just reminds me of growing up. Either my parents have always been conscious of waste (yes, that's true), or they were/are real make-do-and-mend people (also true). Growing up, mum used to make yoghurt, make ice cream, we had a goat we milked (when we lived in the UK), we had chickens for eggs (when we moved to NZ), mum made bread, she made clothes, we washed out plastic bags and reused them. All our plastic containers were old marg pots, or icecream tubs or whatever could be reused. We wore cloth nappies too. And they weren't the fancy ones you get these days either!!
Mar 2018
1:15pm, 14 Mar 2018
20,653 posts
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Red Squirrel
My local cider vinegar muthas are producing like billy-o! If anyone lives in Bristol, they are welcome to collect one.
Mar 2018
8:22am, 17 Mar 2018
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Sounds like my childhood Wine Legs (without the goat and chickens). I still wash out plastic food sandwich/freezer bags. I find I can re-use them for ages.

My son slept in cloth nappies from a few months. I don't recall many (if any?) disasters.
Mar 2018
9:14am, 17 Mar 2018
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My parents brought us up as if the war was still on so everything was reused and cared for. We had clothes made from my dad's old viyella shirts (lovely!). My sister still won't use kitchen roll or other unnecessary disposables.
Mar 2018
1:03pm, 17 Mar 2018
13,942 posts
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I used terry nappies for ours a lot of the time. It looks much nicer nowadays. I still remember the different ways of folding them for different size babies, boys/girls etc and the awful plastic pants which either tied up (and leaked) or had elastic which left welts. Oh, and the bucket of Milton under the bathroom sink.

About This Thread

Maintained by run free
Information about Plastic Packaging:


What products have microbeads?

To help you reduce try one level at a time:

What the EU is doing:

- currently the UK will be following SOME of the EU measures.

Terms used to describe plastic:
1. Biodegradable (also oxi-biodegradable)
2. Bioplastic
3. Compostable
4. Plastic that potentially could be recycled (has numbers)
5. Plastic that cannot be recycled

Some resources:
BBC's info on the numbers on Plastics:

The misconceptions of biodegradable plastics from an academic:

Understanding plastic terms:

Bioplastic developments as seen by British Plastic

Related Threads

  • environment
  • recycling

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