Sep 2014
10:32am, 11 Sep 2014
2,763 posts
Hi, for the last couple of days I have experienced a pain in the ball of my foot, in the centre below the base of my 3rd toe-ish. I can sometimes but not always feel it when running, it's not a sharp pain and I can sometimes also feel it when walking now or even if still.
I have looked at symptoms of stress fracture and Mortons Neuroma and it doesn't seem to fit either of those - I can flex and spread all my toes with no pain, there is no sharp pain when I prod about in my foot and there isn't pain at the top of the foot, it's underneath where it is 'fleshy'. I haven't got the feeling of a 'lump' which MN suggests and it doesn't hurt to squeeze my foot together.
However it is getting a bit worse each run and today after a MLR yesterday I can feel it more than I have done before so I am beginning to worry. I don't want to risk making it worse but also don't want to be taking masses of time out in peak training. I am hoping I have just bruised a tendon or something but I don't know what tendons there are in the sole of the foot (it seems more common to get pain across the top of the foot where bones and tendons are more pronounced?)
I haven't changed shoe type or fit lately. I had a minor version of this last year when I wore some shoes which needed retiring as I think the mid foot cushioning had gone, but I have deliberately been wearing newer shoes in the last few weeks to stop this happening (I have a pair on the verge of retirement which I am avoiding while I have this niggle)
Has anybody got any ideas / experience re what it could be?
Sep 2014
8:32pm, 11 Sep 2014
2,766 posts
Sep 2014
6:53am, 12 Sep 2014
2,174 posts
Sorry, can't help I had similar to all your symptoms but in the top of my foot. There were thoughts it might be a stress fracture but in the end I think it was tendonitis. I just had to have a few weeks of rest and some ultrasound.
Hopefully somebody with more helpful advice will be along shortly!
Sep 2014
10:03am, 12 Sep 2014
1,932 posts
The only help I can be is bump this thread back to the top, and hope one of the doctor-types picks up on it.
I really hope it's a phantom injury, and your foot feels better for a rest day?
Sep 2014
10:26am, 12 Sep 2014
2,767 posts
Thanks Crooked and Nelly.
The 2 miles this morning to school and back felt ok and my foot felt better than ever supported in trainers and socks. Since I am home again with bare feet I am kind of 'aware' of something on the top of my foot (not the ball now!) but it's not a sharp pain by any means. I do have a nagging concern that it's a metatarsal stress fracture but it doesn't (yet) feel painful enough when running to be sure. I think I will run again this evening to see what happens then I have 2 rest days this weekend anyway (if you call walking around legoland rest!).
Sep 2014
10:32am, 12 Sep 2014
1,933 posts
Good luck with the run tonight
And as long as it is only *walking* around Legoland... I'd recommend if the boys run off, then either leave them to their own devices until you can catch up walking or send hubby after them ;-p
Sep 2014
10:05pm, 12 Sep 2014
2,771 posts
A gorgeous sunny evening 10 miles tonight, all easy pace and felt ok when running. Occasional awareness when I thought about it too much but generally fine. But aching and a bit sore after now. Have iced top and bottom of foot. Still very unsure what's going on but can't find a logical diagnosis other than a met SF :-(. No visible swelling or bruising so far.
Sep 2014
8:16am, 15 Sep 2014
1,356 posts
Flibberty Jibbet
I had similar symptoms to that and was effectually diagnosed with freibergs disease. My symptoms were on and of for many years gradually getting worse with time
Sep 2014
5:34pm, 15 Sep 2014
2,779 posts
Interesting FJ, thanks, not heard of that one before. Will google details later - an initial quick glance suggested it usually affects teenage girls but I will have a look.
I am no closer to knowing what the issue is tbh. I had 2 rest days sat-sun but walked a lot and whilst it was a bit noticeable towards the end of Saturday it wasn't much and yesterday I only had occasional awareness. This morning I ran 20 miles and for the majority of the run it was fine, just occasional awareness, then since I have felt it a bit but no worse than after I ran Friday and it responded well to resting my foot on my ice pack. I have had PF suggested but again not sure it fits that typical symptoms / the place of injury. I suspect I will need to see a physio / specialist but I don't want anybody telling me not to run *buries head in sand* as it currently doesn't feel serious enough for that and if it were like this on marathon day! I could get around the race no problem albeit it may hurt a bit after.
I am not sure if my shoes / orthotics are a factor. Since Achilles problems 9-10 years ago I have worn custom orthotics although in recent years as I got a bit more 'serious' about running, I have a variety of shoes and I don't use them in my racing / lighter shoes (of which I have several types!). So I tend to wear cushioned shoes with orthotics for long runs, slower general and recovery runs. I then wear lighter ones for speed or pace work, races etc with no orthotics. I had no problems after my HM last Sunday which I raced in light shoes, but the niggle started on Tuesday and on that run and ever since, I have worn cushioned shoes with orthotics. The surface of my orthotic on the wider ball of the foot bit is quite hard and unforgiving even if the shoe underneath is cushioned. So while before I thought wearing a supportive cushioned 'safe' shoe would help me, I am wondering if it's not helping at all. So this week I am going to try running in the more cushioned of my lightweight shoes with no orthotics to see if that feels any better / worse....
Jan 2015
8:42pm, 7 Jan 2015
3,012 posts
Hi, this has come back to life and an initial physio consultation by phone through AXA (my private healthcare) suggests metatarsalgia. This wasn't something I came across when I looked at possible diagnoses before, but what I have read does suggest it's correct :-(. It disappeared by itself last time even when I was at peak training so this is frustrating as I've not done anywhere near as much mileage or intensity lately.
Am hoping some simple treatment and cutting back will get it sorted. Easy running in cushioned shoes doesn't seem to make it worse so am hoping, but am prepared to do as I'm told!
Any experience / advice anybody can offer? Thanks x