Jan 2024
1:29pm, 29 Jan 2024
49,282 posts
Is that really a common thing Dave? Is it a young people thing e.g. up to 30 or something? I have never heard of it.
In a pub, you'd expect that if there are 6 people and 6 rounds then everything would be "even" by the end of the night. Or with good pals, then over a few different nights. But a few quid here and there over e.g. a year, how the heck would anyone know who had paid what? I'm not talking to the penny or anything, even I'm not that penny-pinching (and I'm from Aberdeenshire!) but in pub rounds the question is often voiced, "Right, whose round is it?"
If it is a young person thing, then I'm officially old. Never come across it.
So no, I wouldn't normally contribute to someone buying £50 or £100 (or £000s?) worth of anything, unless some kind of very special or worthy cause. G
Jan 2024
2:01pm, 29 Jan 2024
397 posts
I can't claim to be down with the kids, but it does seem to be a thing for 20-somethings that you just send a few quid over the internet. When I was in my 20s I'll buy a mate a pint if they ran out of cash in their pocket and this seems to be seen the same. It seems to be how giving people your change in a cashless society works.
There's a Facebook page where people buy random drinks for people in Wetherspoons, and the idea is you have to drink everything sent (and photograph it), committing to buying other random people drinks at a later point. That's stupidly popular (stupidly in all senses of the word).
Jan 2024
2:20pm, 29 Jan 2024
1,816 posts
Ive seen the 'buy me a coffee/pint' thing advertised online with like content creators and a few podcasts. Almost like a "if you like my content then we'd appreciate some money towards the cost of putting it together". Never really seen it in running for race entries.
Jan 2024
3:11pm, 29 Jan 2024
25,714 posts
I don't see it the same as making sure a skint mate can go to the pub for a couple to cheer them up because they've had to fix their car that week.
I'd do that and indeed have done but I wouldn't buy the skint mate parts for their track car.