May 2006
8:13am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
I may be off the injured step.........let me keep a toe on!<br><br>Had a very slow 3.5 mile run last night and calf felt tight but not painful. Very glad I went out, only have 2 weeks left before 10k now and need to get my ass in gear so to speak
May 2006
9:14am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Doesn't sound like an injury clumsula, could jut be where you haven't warmed up/down and stretched properly after each run, or maybe there is still some lactic acid left from a previous run.
May 2006
11:01am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Get Off clumsula, you imposter!
May 2006
11:13am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Blister it sounds as if you were very very lucky, like me! The guy hit me full on on myleft lower leg and knee and the right leg got a bang as well. Apparently, according to my BF who was with me, I pushed myself off the car when it hit me and rolled off it backwards in true James Bond fashion thus saving myself from being squashed under his wheels!<br><br>I have deep extensive bruising to both lower legs and knees, worse on the left, that stops my muscles from working properly. The swelling of the knees has gone down, so I now have enough mobility in it to be able to cycle gently but the scar tissue from the bruising will take weeks to heal and it is recommended not to put any excessive pressure on the muscles or the scar tissue will be weak and hardened which will be asking for trouble if I ever want to run a marathon again. Practically, because I am a runner it takes longer to heal... as in running I put so much strain on the calf muscles. So the doc said if you want to be ok in the long term, really take it easy, don't risk long term calf problems by starting running again before the tissue has healed. <br><br>I reckon the odd jog in a week or so will be ok though, as long as I don't put too much strain on the legs.
May 2006
11:28am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Rach E
Hanneke - Sounds HORRIBLE. I'm glad you can at least get on your bike now.<br><br>Big hugs to everyone who's injured.<br><br>Can I join you too? In fact, I may even buy a second home on this injured step given my run of bad luck recently. Currently got an ankle sprain.
May 2006
11:41am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
We are very lucky Hanneke, I hope you are able to run again soon, but try and resist doing anything too early, I know it's hard ... just use the power of the Gobi ultra side :-)<br><br>I had a similar James Bond incident when I was a bit younger; I was riding my bike along the edge of the road when a car suddenly pulled out in from. I didn't stop in time so my bike went straight into the side and I rolled over the bonnet landed on the other side of the car and got up straight away without a scratch! Just had to straighten my wheel out then I was off.<br><br>I think if I was a Cat then I would have 7 lifes left.<br><br>Welcome to the step Rach! Hope it heals soon.
May 2006
11:50am, 4 May 2006
0 posts
MMmmm, dont know if I'm a complete imposter, was at Gp's yesterday with rather large swollen foot, and she reckoned that it was down to an injury, possibly from calf or not,and not what I had feared originally kidney or blood pressure problems<br>Honest I am not a hypochondriac, see I cannot even spell it!
May 2006
12:14pm, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Rach E
Don't start on bike accidents Blister :-/<br><br>Thanks for the healing wishes
May 2006
4:53pm, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Hi Rach E<br><br>Maybe a special corner for sprained ankles.<br>How did you sprain your ankle, I did mine Cross Training (Racket sport).<br>Should have just keep to running.
May 2006
4:56pm, 4 May 2006
0 posts
Rach E
Mine suddenly came on doing intervals. I think someone's trying to tell me they're a BAD thing to do :-/ I'm off to get fitted in some different trainers tonight - hopefully that'd put a stop to my run of foot and ankle injuries recently.<br><br>I hope you feel better soon.