Jun 2022
8:46pm, 5 Jun 2022
4,831 posts
I reckon Shapps is my outside chance for head of the scum. He will promote himself as a repackaged for post-Brexit Cameron-style unifier who can unite both wings of the parliamentary party
Obviously still a Tory but thats my punt if I was a betting man
Jun 2022
8:48pm, 5 Jun 2022
19,275 posts
Mordaunt and Wallace are also two to watch.
Jun 2022
8:53pm, 5 Jun 2022
18,014 posts
Difficult if you're not a Tory to see what they will see in any potential new leader. I guess the key if you're left-minded is "who do you fear at the ballot box"? My wife, an excellent barometer of these things, observed that it may be irrelevant who they pick if Starmer doesn't start capturing the imagination at all.
Jun 2022
9:59pm, 5 Jun 2022
4,833 posts
I saw some polling numbers that said Johnson and Starmer were equally as unpopular in Wakefield - I forget what the exact question was but basically it meant that voters don’t connect with Starmer as a person.
Cue a load of posts about politics is more than just style / substance / personality etc blah blah blah. Which is true but Starmer’s policies don’t connect that well with voters either. As has been said before him saying he’ll resign if fined is a chance to get a more effective leader who is not a Tory in drag
Jun 2022
10:03pm, 5 Jun 2022
19,276 posts
He's not a Tory. The problem is the Labour party machinery. And the focus group led mentality. and the excessive caution. And most importantly, the lack of imagination.
Jun 2022
10:23pm, 5 Jun 2022
4,835 posts
Have to say some of the royal family stuff I’ve seen in the media this weekend has been of the same standard as that of the DPRNK
Jun 2022
10:38pm, 5 Jun 2022
27,415 posts
Johnny Blaze
I will say this: the new PM will not be a principled, logical, pragmatic person who has a platform which majors on honesty, decency, integrity and good governance. There are no votes to be had in the Tory Party for such a person.
The likely winner will either be someone whose sole USP is being a "clean skin" or someone who is willing to throw lots of red meat to the ERG and the other nutcases.
Jun 2022
10:41pm, 5 Jun 2022
12,638 posts
I would say there are no Tory MPs fitting that description regardless of the wishes of the voters.
Jun 2022
10:43pm, 5 Jun 2022
11,538 posts
It doesn’t matter that Starmer is unpopular in these by elections, they won’t vote Tory because of him in the way they did in 2019. Johnson didn’t have anything special in 2019, he just wasn’t Corbyn, he doesn’t have that card to play anymore.
Jun 2022
11:38pm, 5 Jun 2022
18,015 posts
In these elections, no it doesn't matter. Johnson (if still leader) will get his P45 handed to him on a plate via the by elections as these will be about him primarily.
But after that? Starmer vs Shapps / Dories / Mordaunt etc whoever is the equation that matters, unless Starmer ends up fined in which case there is a decent argument for the press to say "well, we got rid of Johnson and Starmer, they were both as bad as each other, now let's get behind this new Tory leader". It's not as simple as that, obviously.
But now's the time for Starmer to come up with some policies that catch the imagination, get a fair wind in the press, let some of his shadow cabinet make stars of themselves and grab the initiative, otherwise the Tories will be back on the front foot again.