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May 2022
7:41am, 24 May 2022
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Johnny Blaze
"EXCLUSIVE: Partygate photos that are 'even more incriminating' to be published in Sue Gray report
Sources close to Sue Gray's Partygate report said officials had to "push very hard internally" for damning images of Boris Johnson at Covid lockdown-breaking gatherings to be included

More photographs showing Boris Johnson drinking at rules-busting lockdown gatherings in No 10 are expected to be published in Sue Gray's report into Partygate.

Sources close to the investigation said officials had to "push very hard internally" for the damning images to be included.

The Mirror understands that photos of the Prime Minister at his Downing Street birthday party holding a can of Estrella beer will be revealed.

One insider claimed the picture was "more incriminating" than that of Lee Cain's leaving do as it undermined claims it was an impromptu gathering ahead of a Covid meeting.

It is believed to identify Mr Johnson, Chancellor Rishi Sunak - both of whom were fined over the event - and Cabinet Secretary Simon Case - who was not.

The image was taken by Downing Street's official taxpayer-funded photographer who was documenting the event in June 2020.

Boris Johnson was pictured at a party during lockdown
Prime Minister Boris Johnson pictured drinking at a Downing Street party during lockdown
Downing Street insiders also believe that Ms Gray could publish photos of the leaving do for two No 10 private secretaries where Mr Johnson made a speech.

They claimed that multiple pictures were taken at the boozy event on 14 January, 2021, including of the PM with drinks.

One said: "Everybody is furious that loads of people in the room got fined but him and nobody can figure out why, because there's all these photos of him with booze."

"You've got to wonder how the political people, the special advisors who were there, managed to get away with it.

"Did people answer the questions in different ways?

"It just feels wrong that people who did what they were told to do and were open and transparent were fined yet those who were less so weren't."

Ms Gray, whose long-awaited report is expected to be published as early as today, handed more than 300 images to Scotland Yard from her probe."

When are these little people and their pathetic respect for the rules going to learn that rules do not apply to special people?
May 2022
7:49am, 24 May 2022
3,865 posts
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Do you have the link JB?
May 2022
8:03am, 24 May 2022
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Johnny Blaze
May 2022
9:19am, 24 May 2022
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Steve Baker didn’t vote for a Brexit where the prime minister would drink Spanish beer at a party
May 2022
9:27am, 24 May 2022
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I think constantly referring to these events as parties actually galvanises his cult like supporters and to say constantly use it as a defence mechanism as to how ‘lame looking’ the party is. The official rules referred to them as gatherings and I do wish that terminology would be used, I actually think it would be more effective.
May 2022
9:29am, 24 May 2022
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Also agree with Linds, nit a chance that Uxbridge and Siuth Ruislip will vote in an alternative to Tory.
May 2022
9:34am, 24 May 2022
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the gap was 88 votes in '97 (although I don't think it included leafy South Ruislip then).
May 2022
9:35am, 24 May 2022
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I see Johnson tested positive for Covid just 2 days after the leaked photo was taken. This from a man who supposedly nearly died from Covid and with his family in the same building. I never have really, but I don't believe a single word that comes out of his mouth.
May 2022
9:38am, 24 May 2022
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I agree Joopsy. Too much has focussed on the entertainment level / the alcohol / the party-food etc. The hurdle, especially in the first lockdown and the November one too, was only something being a "social gathering" (or words to that effect).

It's in Johnson's interests to paint the accusations in as colourful language as possible so that the reality looks far less than that. Same issue as with the police investigation; the higher bar that the police would set for issuing FPNs was never really the point, but the fact that Johnson has been "let off" because his activities seemingly didn't get to the egregious level necessary to warrant a fine is ammunition for those defending Johnson.

We should have expected a PM to command his office space and house privately and publicly to standards which far exceeded the minimum standards required in the law. Instead we've quite obviously had a PM with a laissez faire attitude to the laws he and his advisors were imposing on the whole population, and that goes to the heart of his, and his governments, credibility and integrity.
May 2022
10:42am, 24 May 2022
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Another example of why the word "party" is utterly unhelpful.

Quoted from bbc.co.uk
Date of quote: 8 December 2021

Context: Labour MP Catherine West asked: "Will the prime minister tell the House whether there was a party in Downing Street on 13 November [2020]?"

What Mr Johnson said: "No - but I am sure that whatever happened, the guidance was followed and the rules were followed at all times."

That first word - "No" - may not be a lie if it wasn't a party, however we define "party". In the normal world outside of Covid, I'd never have described the sort of leaving do pictured in the photos where people stand around uncomfortably and raising a toast to a departing colleague as a "party". If only West had asked "..whether there was a social gathering in Downing Street on 13th November".

Maybe the fact that he really should have known that the event in question clearly wasn't following the guidance or rules at the time is a "lie" - potentially not a deliberate one, more a negligent, careless, crass lack of knowledge about the specifics.

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