Oct 2016
9:05am, 23 Oct 2016
10,287 posts
Perhaps I'm trying to suggest that RPE is prone to how the person feels. Providing the HR is working correctly it is an absolute.
Oct 2016
9:13am, 23 Oct 2016
2,420 posts
Ninky Nonk
100% heart rate is not an absolute.
I can be standing on the start line before I've even run a step and my hr can be 150+.
If I'm dehydrated my hr can vary.
If I'm ill my hr can vary.
If it's hot my hr can vary. If it's cold my hr can vary.
If I've drunk coffee my hr can vary. If I've eaten my hr can vary.
If it's the morning my hr will be different to lunch and again in the evening.
Oct 2016
9:15am, 23 Oct 2016
22,914 posts
NN - Can you expand. The discussion ATM is essentially around Magness's model of individualisation.
Oct 2016
9:16am, 23 Oct 2016
22,915 posts
That's regarding your link.
Oct 2016
9:19am, 23 Oct 2016
22,916 posts
All fair points, I'm not bashing RPE, I've just used HR to remind myself that I wanted to stay easy while increasing the length of my runs.
Oct 2016
9:20am, 23 Oct 2016
10,288 posts
But is that more variable or has a larger margin of error than I feel great and overdo it?
Oct 2016
9:23am, 23 Oct 2016
22,917 posts
I would trust HR over RPE if there was a significant mismatch and if it is causing performance issues a change is probably necessary.
Oct 2016
9:27am, 23 Oct 2016
2,421 posts
Ninky Nonk
Spr said 'It's best to look at this in a what needs work now or how do I work on my weakness than a fixed I'm a ST/ FT runner way. The point of it is to guide your training.'
It reminded me that st/ft types can respond differently to the same training stimulus. We could potentially train smarter by doing more training of the type we individually respond best to, and less of the training that we don't.
But as I've said before I find it hard to place myself and others on the spectrum.
I think the only real way is to experiment slightly with your training and see what happens.
Oct 2016
9:29am, 23 Oct 2016
10,087 posts
Also these days I have no kick , another ST indicator. I did use to be FT, but the majority of them say ST. And yes I did put my numbers in the Macmillan, it said I should be a fair bit faster over 1k, 1 mile and 3000m than I actually was at my best. My 10k and half mara pbs are my best overall. Anyway race beckons
Oct 2016
9:32am, 23 Oct 2016
22,918 posts
Yes NN, that's exactly the point. Two runners training for the same event don't have to train exactly the same.
Agree using the knowledge to experiment is the way forward.