Apr 2020
1:01pm, 30 Apr 2020
10,023 posts
finally caught up on what I need to do.... so I've clicked on the link, registered and now need to pick a hiding spot. It is only a blue background with a grid on it, is that right? If so I will not be able to find myself so I hope where I am if I do get lost hahaha.
Apr 2020
1:03pm, 30 Apr 2020
32,833 posts
♪♫ Synge ♪♫
geordiegirl - i suspect you need to move your homepoint - it sounds as if you are in an ocean?
Apr 2020
1:04pm, 30 Apr 2020
10,024 posts
Oh that’s odd let’s try
Apr 2020
1:05pm, 30 Apr 2020
13,951 posts
You'll have to zoom out on the map because that sounds like you're in the sea. Zoom out, move the map until it is where you are and then zoom in again.
Apr 2020
1:05pm, 30 Apr 2020
10,025 posts
I was in the sea off Senegal hahahahahaah
Apr 2020
1:07pm, 30 Apr 2020
10,026 posts
right home point changed, sorry for the Q's but if I click in another square nothing is happening?
Apr 2020
1:08pm, 30 Apr 2020
1,659 posts
If you simply have a plain blue background, the game probably thinks your home point is 0,0 Lat/Long - somewhere in the Atlantic off the coast of equatorial Africa - so you'll need to correct that.
Then - you need a GPS trace of a run in April after you registered to generate a series of red squares from which to select a hiding place. Picking one of those will turn it yellow and be locked in tonight.
Any other queries - please direct to Fetch because I've now exhausted my store of accumulated knowledge on this game (I'm hoping it will increase over the coming weeks)
Apr 2020
1:08pm, 30 Apr 2020
4,635 posts
Vancouver Jogger
Do you have any red squares?
Apr 2020
1:08pm, 30 Apr 2020
1,660 posts
X-post but I did predict your second Q
Apr 2020
1:09pm, 30 Apr 2020
13,952 posts
You might have to download some training before you see any red squares to hide in.