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Myth of the 20-mile long run

1 lurker | 49 watchers
Aug 2017
1:14pm, 17 Aug 2017
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Chris, I'd ask you (with the greatest respect) to always refer to relative measures, rather than absolute e.g. a runner's improvement, or progress towards potential or something. Because an absolute like a 3:10 marathon could be fantastic or cr*p, depending on context. If they are a 2:30 marathoner, then 3:15 is a big backward step. If they have a half of 1:15, then getting 3:10 in a marathon is rubbish. Whereas if they have done 5 marathons around 4:30 - 4 hours, then do a new, different training plan, with 15 miles max and then got 3:10, then it's interesting. I know you know what I'm getting at here.

I actually don't think there are many ways of skinning the marathon cat (I've said it before, and actually larks said it better a couple pages back, but I'll have another go).

medal the goal is to get your best marathon (improvement in time) and
owl you have adequate experience and build it all up gradually, do plenty of rest and recovery and rehab work and have the time to do so then
run more total mileage, and plenty of 20 + long runs are the right thing to do.

There are literally dozens of reasons where the above is not the case, but it's because the goal or circumstances do not pertain

moon you don't want to goal (like Tim has admitted, not bothered about best marathon time)
bolt you are too busy or family or other reasons can't put in the time to build up gradually, do the recovery activities etc.
star you are just starting and are getting plenty of improvements month in month out anyway (that's actually a combination of the first couple)


But if you have the time and the desire, then more miles = better marathons! :-) G
Aug 2017
1:25pm, 17 Aug 2017
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Jock Itch
Gatecrashes thread to say *Bravo* to the above post ! :)
Aug 2017
1:40pm, 17 Aug 2017
289 posts
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Little Miss Happy
Not just better time wise - more miles (in my experience) also = a more enjoyable experience and quicker recovery - as long as the more miles don't cause injury in the first place of course.
Aug 2017
2:31pm, 17 Aug 2017
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I'd agree G - but I just think we forget that perhaps the majority of Fetch posters are "unrepresentative" in that I'd say they(we) are looking for improvements, whereas the majority of people I coach/lead fall into one of your three goals (mainly first one), and finishing is a far more important goal than times - this even goes far to a lady I know who won her first race outright. The only time I've known she was bothered about a time was when she realised she'd missed her GFA by 15 seconds, and that was after the event, before she didn't know GFA existed. And when you get a good runner onto a structured program, with more miles they go from being good to great.

For me personally, absolutely more miles, structured miles following a P&D plan is the way to go, more 20 mile plus runs rather than back to back 2 hr runs would be my first port of call. But I've become aware that is the "elite" side of the club (we don't see ourselves as elite, we're not, we're bog standard club runners) is how the majority of the club perceive us. Most people just want to be run and not be injured. Times are only something the anal amongst us applaud. To be honest as I get older, being able to run is becoming more important than pb breaking. I'd like to get my pbs, but the 7*20 mile plus runs on the Cornish terrain (perhaps that's what colours my views) takes too much time out of my life, and are becoming increasingly likely to break me. To be able to run far enough to explore and see sights and get away from things, and be back without having been away too long is my goal.
Aug 2017
2:55pm, 17 Aug 2017
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That's fine Chris, but like a previous poster stated we then need to declare that "what follows is for beginner or fun runners not looking to improve their times i.e. not most of you on Fetch!"

Otherwise every time someone says, "one way to train for a marathon is to eat falafel, roller blade a lot nd only run on alternate leap weeks" is just confusing. Almost as bad as Runners' World magazine articles. OK, maybe not THAT bad! ;-)

So, consensus reached, I believe! (I think we should have a "conclusions" section in the thread side bar over there >>> when we reach such a Ta Da! moment! ) ) G
Aug 2017
3:17pm, 17 Aug 2017
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I think this has been a really interesting discussion - I've bookmarked the thread in the hope I can find it again should I finally get my head round training for a marathon. Thanks all!
Aug 2017
4:16pm, 17 Aug 2017
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Fenland (Fenners) Runner
Perhaps you've covered it HappyG but if not I'd add another category.

Train sufficiently to enjoy the experience, for so many people it is a total misery.
Aug 2017
4:28pm, 17 Aug 2017
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I have to say, when I was doing my Race Angel stint at Manchester Marathon last year I saw so much misery, pain and unhappiness that it really didn't inspire me!!
Aug 2017
4:40pm, 17 Aug 2017
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Good point Fenners. Little Miss Happy said same thing above too. Appropriate (i.e. lots of miles!) training also means a happier marathon experience, less pain, faster recovery etc. I agree. Perhaps I should have used the expression "best marathon time and/ or experience" or something or "strongest marathon performance" (so it could mean time, or comfortableness (is that a word?!).

AL, Fenners is right - in my marathon experiences, I felt most comfortable and least pain in the ones for which I had trained best (longest miles) even though they were quicker. Poor training = painful marathon! The only way to avoid that is to adjust your expectation - either expect pain (who would do that?!) or go so much slower than your capability so that you can still have fun and change your time/performance goal. But be aware, that even walking it in 6 hours plus might not be pain free if you've only ever trained for 2, 3 hours walking! :-) G
Aug 2017
4:41pm, 17 Aug 2017
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I reserve the right to bombard you all with more questions should the occasion arise? :)

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Maintained by Tim of Fife
For years, with marathon training, a long run of 20 miles has been the aspiration for many. They fe...

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