Aug 2018
9:22am, 16 Aug 2018
19,721 posts
Coffee time, I have run as well.
Aug 2018
9:34am, 16 Aug 2018
8,506 posts
Morning. Headache. Working up to coffee and stretches. that's a bit gutting for DS TeeBee hope he recovers fast
Aug 2018
9:56am, 16 Aug 2018
5,329 posts
Rainy rain rain. Thinking about having a cup of tea.
Aug 2018
10:13am, 16 Aug 2018
42,391 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
Cleaned the bathroom and restacked the dishwasher and cleaned the filter. The rest of the housework can wait, I’m off to Rebound.
Aug 2018
10:56am, 16 Aug 2018
35,045 posts
Second coffee, post yoga. I'm going to brave Sainsbury's a bit later, I bet it's Bedlam over there with this weather.
Aug 2018
11:10am, 16 Aug 2018
23,585 posts
The internet tells me that it's 41 years today that Elvis died.
That means it's 41 years since my last camping trip, 3 weeks in the Dordogne, when it rained so constantly that one night we got up and sat in the car (a Mini when they really were mini) because there were fears that the river alongside the campsite would burst its banks. And 41 years since OH said 'If I wasn't married to you I'd never go on holiday with you again.'
Aug 2018
11:28am, 16 Aug 2018
10,824 posts
lol LD - you should have given camping another go this summer! - worry about trying to stay dry in an old mini though - if it was anything like the one my friend had, you'd have got soaked!
I was staying with my grandparents when Elvis died, fruit picking in the summer hols for pocket money. Bet there's not many 12-year-olds do that now!
Aug 2018
11:33am, 16 Aug 2018
30,979 posts
At work
Aug 2018
11:45am, 16 Aug 2018
42,395 posts
Fierce and Focused Fleecy
Lol Latterly, happy memories eh? My veg box was just delivered, I forgot to cancel it. I’d better make lots of soup or something! Got soaked running to and from the gym, it was quite nice actually.
Aug 2018
11:52am, 16 Aug 2018
35,048 posts
I've started cooking my dinner as I'm hungry. If I eat it at lunchtime then I may run later when it dries up a bit.