May 2018
5:54pm, 18 May 2018
40,129 posts
It is, NSC. It belongs to an ultra running couple
May 2018
5:58pm, 18 May 2018
14,534 posts
May 2018
6:01pm, 18 May 2018
33,343 posts
That sounds lovely Bint, does the dog do running with it's owner?
May 2018
6:04pm, 18 May 2018
40,130 posts
I believe she does training runs with them. Not races, though.
May 2018
6:06pm, 18 May 2018
7,488 posts
I’ve got two nights in Wiltshire coming up. That’s a yellow card too I reckon mrS is going to add the Neolithic marathon to his tab he would really like to get to 60 this year. C9 and I will probably walk a bit. Looking forward to it. But now, the dishwasher
May 2018
6:12pm, 18 May 2018
19,055 posts
On a bus. I feel sorry for the driver, I think they've been keeping him prisoner on the bus as he was the driver this morning too.
May 2018
6:17pm, 18 May 2018
33,344 posts
He must have been on a split shift ps.
May 2018
6:29pm, 18 May 2018
19,059 posts
Indeed LD, its just my imagination that has them living in their busses
May 2018
6:52pm, 18 May 2018
16,680 posts
Just had a blue-tit in the living room. I opened a window and it flew out.
May 2018
6:54pm, 18 May 2018
6,789 posts
I love Chamonix. Is it Jon's place?