May 2011
10:47am, 7 May 2011
3,880 posts
I knew my massive watering effrt last night would produce a night of heavy rain and the lawn was fed yesterday - good times.
Looks like lots of rain tonight here as well.
No time in garden today, going to take my daughter to her first football match
May 2011
5:45pm, 7 May 2011
4,168 posts
I have a new lawnmower. It is now pouring with rain
Still, my Icelandic poppies have come out.
May 2011
5:57pm, 7 May 2011
16,267 posts
Lizzie W
Dwarf runners and 2 sorts of tomato being planted Lettuces in yesterday. Might try some seeds - radishes & stumpy carrots?
May 2011
9:33pm, 24 May 2011
47,053 posts
My nigella are lovely at the moment - and we're going Chelsea on Thursday - squee.
May 2011
11:24am, 27 May 2011
47,130 posts
Well Carol Klien is very small and smiley and nice and northern, I must say. She was ambling around with the regular punters last night, while Mr Titchmarsh was being filmed in one of the show gardens.
No prizes for guessing who I was most impressed by.
May 2011
12:10pm, 27 May 2011
3,933 posts
Have to say i can't bear Klein.
Did you enjoy Chelsea Grep? How did you get tickets? mrs lammo would be kken to go one year?
Nice drop of rain yesterday round here
May 2011
12:16pm, 27 May 2011
47,144 posts
It chucked down as I was on the way there but it held off.
We get tickets through MrsP's employer. This is the second year we've been on the Thursday evening and loved it - previously we'd been on, I think, the Wednesday afternoon which is just rammed beyond imagining. Being limited to only a couple of hours takes the pressure off from feeling the need to 'see everything' too...
We've been to Hampton Court in the past (when we were in our 'allergic to Chelsea' phase. I *prefer* Chelsea - Hampton Court is too spread out and vast. Nice vibe though.
Jun 2011
9:02pm, 12 Jun 2011
9,360 posts
Advice please gang.
I have a number of tomato plants outside which have remianed nice and squat, but quite wide, and are getting ready to bear fruit.
The boy planted a tomato plant at dad's club which I kept in a pot in the kitchen so he could watch it grow.
It's now four feet tall, and about to bear fruit itself.
I don't have room for a four foot tall tomato plant in the kitchen. If I plant it outside now in a pot will I knacker it?
Jun 2011
7:45am, 13 Jun 2011
3,113 posts
DG - if it hasn't got any fruit on it yet then do it now ! It might sulk for a bit but should be OK. Ideally, you could do with putting it outside during the day for a week or so first to get it used to the idea of being outside and toughen it up a bit.
Plant it on into the biggest pot you can find and stake it well. Water sparingly the first week to encourage root growth then after that water as usual and feed.
Jun 2011
8:09am, 13 Jun 2011
47,493 posts
Good response from bigleggy- can't argue with that.