Apr 2015
7:51am, 30 Apr 2015
15,974 posts
Katie and I are planning to be a mini-Fetchpoint, complete with Fetch flags and as many jelly babies as we can decently afford. Is there (1) an existing plan to set up a support station, or (2) a particularly good point on the course, and (3) would anyone care to join us?
Apr 2015
8:47am, 30 Apr 2015
294 posts
I've never been in a race with a Fetchpoint before, is there a special wave that we have to do as we run past?
Apr 2015
11:57am, 30 Apr 2015
381 posts
Awesome news fetch Schneke mentioned at VLM that she might come out to support MK, she might join a mini-fetchpoint.
A jazz-hands wave is the norm I think Chris
Apr 2015
2:22pm, 30 Apr 2015
2,077 posts
Tim of MK
The easiest point for spectators (views and parking) is when the runners go up and down the Central Milton Keynes boulevards (Avebury, Midsummer & Silbury). For both half and full marathon runners, I think these are about miles 4-6 or 7.
The start should be OKish, providing that everyone sticks to their allocated pen. After all, it is a dual carriageway, not a country lane.
City Runner - I really, really appreciate the offer of company. Truly. However, last night, I decided on a high-risk strategy of running sub-1.50 through half-way, which probably won't be your approach to our joint sub-4 target.
May 2015
10:21am, 1 May 2015
295 posts
Well woke up this morning with a little cold. It had better be a quick one!
Looks like the weather people are hedging their bets for Monday. In the last 4 days the forecast has said:
Heavy rain Light Rain Cloudy Sunny
and is now showing sunny intervals.
May 2015
11:09am, 1 May 2015
4,894 posts
The forecasts have been showing the predicted wind gradually getting lower, which is good.
Is there any kind of pub plan?
May 2015
12:57pm, 1 May 2015
2,078 posts
Tim of MK
My lovely lady wife banned me from running after Wednesday lunch-time. It is now Friday lunch-time and I'm crawling up the walls lol.
The weather for race-day looks half-way decent. I've no physical problems worth speaking of. So, the only battle is in my mind. Getting myself to truly believe that I can run sub-4 for the first time.
May 2015
1:03pm, 1 May 2015
296 posts
Tim, why are you planning to run sub 1.50 for the first half? If your aim is sub 4 that sounds like a massive positive split.
May 2015
1:17pm, 1 May 2015
50,773 posts
plodding hippo
Sh*t or bust suicide pace to allow for a blow up in the second half?
May 2015
1:32pm, 1 May 2015
4,547 posts
Too Much Water
Good luck Tim. Use the power of the fruity pies!