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The revenue generated from the adverts on the site is a critical part of our funding - and it's because of these ads that I can offer the site for free. But using the site for free AND blocking the ads doesn't feel like a great thing to do, which is why this box is so large and inconvenient. Some sites will completely block your access, but I'm not doing that - I'm appealing to your good nature instead. Did you know that you can allow ads for specific sites, whilst still blocking them on others?

Ian Williams aka Fetch
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Lost Fetchies

186 watchers
May 2020
10:24am, 22 May 2020
9,947 posts
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Ha. Was wondering how long the subject of a potential fetch mile and cayke would take to appear on here!

Would have bet on it taking less than 74 pages though.
May 2020
10:36am, 22 May 2020
34,881 posts
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Of course Homer, who organised the Big Fetch Mile in Manchester Jan 2009 (together with his good lady Cheshire Lady) is now back on Fetch and training and nearly back to his 2009 self. So a 12 year anniversary reunion could be on the cards?! :-) G
May 2020
10:37am, 22 May 2020
16,666 posts
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There was a NW mile planned for March and postponed :(
Date yet to be rearranged
May 2020
10:51am, 22 May 2020
24,431 posts
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Hoax is doing OK, in darkest Somerset. I used to visit him reasonably regularly when visiting people was a thing
May 2020
11:36am, 22 May 2020
1,026 posts
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The great dollop
Just lurking back a bit and have to admit to being very reassured by the amount of my work that is used and shared on the site as either profile pictures or on the gallery
as an example. So other people are posting more of my stuff on fetch than I do myself... does that mean I never lurked off ?

Also very heatwarming to see the evidence that the work does make a difference, been a bit hard during lockdown to find motivation and all work cancelled until 2021.

So, who remembers this then? name them all: animoto.com

That Race gallery from 2009 needs reloading doesn't it....
May 2020
11:40am, 22 May 2020
48,935 posts
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I trust it is all paid for stuff and not copyright theft.
May 2020
12:05pm, 22 May 2020
1,027 posts
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The great dollop
yep Dio, the copyright stuff has big copyright words on it saying buy it. People, communities and forum owners of all social media have done a relatively good job over the years of learning not to let it ride, most people seem to understand it is a thing these days and it's a lot easier to get takedown requests sorted if it does thankfully.
Also more and more stuff is paid for by the event or sponsors as free event downloads - (like that saucony national XC example) - so the whole question is bypassed at source - which is great for everyone !
May 2020
12:06pm, 22 May 2020
48,938 posts
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That's good
May 2020
12:09pm, 22 May 2020
5,305 posts
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Covering at source is a good idea.
May 2020
12:16pm, 22 May 2020
10,084 posts
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Glad he is ok Mac. Us old Horsham crew are all over the place now haha.

About This Thread

Maintained by Diogenes
Like an old sheepdog, this thread rounds up lost Fetchies and draws them back into the fold, or just fondly remembers those that prefer to stay lost. There is always a place for you here...
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