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ITBS support thread

12 watchers
Dec 2014
2:54pm, 8 Dec 2014
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Hello Pebbs, welcome to fetch - 11 years :-o
Dec 2014
3:38pm, 8 Dec 2014
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Hi Pebbs. That's horrendous! I got sorted pretty quickly with side stretches, foam roller, plus glute strengthening. I continue to do foam roller 3 times per week, side stretches and do quite a bit of Pilates and other core work to keep all these types of niggles at bay. So far it's working! :-) G
Dec 2014
12:08pm, 15 Dec 2014
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minardi - thanks. I'm getting to grips with it in my spare time (remind me, what's that again?)

HappyG - I think a mixture of stretching and core work seems to do the trick for most. I think it comes down to what the biomechanical issue is. I think my pain neural networks are pretty firm too. I'm enjoying the progress though.
Dec 2014
7:07pm, 21 Dec 2014
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Ok - I have experienced outer calf pain in my problematics itb leg. It's like a tightness when I lift my foot off the ground. Has anyone else had this? It's hard to think that it's not connected to itbs.
Nov 2016
2:15pm, 11 Nov 2016
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Just giving this a bump as I am currently sidelined with ITBS, caused I think by cycling and a weak glute med, which has put strain on my very tight ITB and is pulling on my knee. Had physio last night and I've got some strengthening exercises to do - clamshells, a lunge type stretch kneeling on one knee and lightly using the leg extension machine in the gym. Plus swimming for cardio and minimal cycling. Going to try aqua jogging too. Any other suggestions / do's and don'ts? I gather foam rollering it won't do any harm but isn't actually that beneficial as a solution? I'll take a look at the video link which RMo3B posted previously later on.
Nov 2016
8:01pm, 20 Nov 2016
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Hi clare, I'm in the same boat. I had a minor flare up in my left ITB post-Snowdonia marathon. I had the first round of problems in 2011 after my first ultra (reason: increasing mileage too quickly without doing the necessary strength work to stabilise the gait) but have been good since then.

I got a bit lazy with my strength work in the run up to Snowdonia because of working long hours for 4-5 weeks. I sacrificed the strength work to keep the runs. I'm now seeing the consequences. My old mistakes from 2011 were creeping in again, the tight running (i.e. running like you are on a tightrope), caused by a weakened or exhausted gluteus medius and therefore I experienced the pain outside the knee again. I noticed a change in the ground contact balance in my garmin profile, it was becoming less balanced.

I've started with the exercises of 5 years past: single leg squats, hip hikes (standing on a step letting one leg hang freely, then dropping and raising it with the opposite glute/hip alone, not yanking it up with the back muscles), glute bridges and single leg glute bridges, leg raises with a resistance band at a 45° angle backwards.
A couple of days in, I can already feel the difference, my gait is normalising and I'm more or less pain free, only a minor discomfort downhill. I'm monitoring my foot strike and the width of my gait closely. When I get sloppy, the pain returns. I guess it's fatigue after the marathon that has had a negative effect on my running style which I now need to retrain before I start the training for London.

I've noticed that a couple of stretches put more strain on it so I've dropped the adductor stretches (I'm following the 30 day challenge of Kinetic Revolution). Also, when I'm running offroad, it's getting worse so I'm sticking to roads for the moment. I think that running on uneven ground pulls on it more than running on even surfaces. I've also cut volume and speed, concentrating on easy, clean running with an even gait.

This may not be of use to you at the moment because it sounds as if you cannot run at all but it may be useful once you can run a few miles.

Good luck with your rehab. I hope that you'll manage to address the underlying issues and get back to running.
Nov 2016
8:03pm, 20 Nov 2016
534 posts
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PS: just remembered another don't after I pressed 'submit', typical.

I'm no longer sitting with one leg crossed over the other as this also makes it worse for me. I'm now sitting with my legs parallel to each other.

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Maintained by runningmumof3boys
OK ... I give in... after yet another bailed run (1.25miles)...I am thinking this ITBS will be with ...
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