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Is a Saturday Parkrun compatible with a Sunday LSR?

4 watchers
Jul 2013
12:17pm, 2 Jul 2013
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plodding hippo
parkrun on saturday, marafun on sunday
most weeks unless \i have a sat marafun
I would however NOT recommend them on the same day
Done that 4 times and it hurts
Jul 2013
12:31pm, 2 Jul 2013
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Scott S
I've done a 22 mile training run and then gone and done a 5km race a couple of hours later before (Easter Egg for finishing so wasn't missing out on that).
Jul 2013
12:40pm, 2 Jul 2013
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LSR shouldn't be a hard session. Key is in the "S" part.

In any case, does it really matter if you long run is 5-10s slower per mile or whatever? It's training not a race!

Also, there are some advocates that say a "2days hard, 2 days easy" are a better way of training (with some limited evidence to support this, but nothing significant i.e. p<0.05, for example, over the common "1day hard, 1 day easy").

I've also managed 7 races in 9 days or something before, just as a pure anecdote....
Jul 2013
12:42pm, 2 Jul 2013
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Sorry, forgot Fetch doesn't like "less than" symbols. Here is what I was trying to write:

LSR shouldn't be a hard session. Key is in the "S" part.

In any case, does it really matter if you long run is 5-10s slower per mile or whatever? It's training not a race!

Also, there are some advocates that say a "2days hard, 2 days easy" are a better way of training (with some limited evidence to support this, but nothing significant i.e. p less than 0.05, for example, over the more common "1 day hard, 1 day easy approach).

As a pure anecdote, I've raced 6 races in 8 days or something like that before. Last few were hard work, but ok. Didn't injure myself.
Jul 2013
1:03pm, 2 Jul 2013
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Funky Chicken
I've run a lot less parkruns this year as I can't not run them flat out - just can't help getting swept up in it and pushing myself. I did that last year and found I was sometimes sore or hurting come the end of the longer run the next day.

My club does speed-work sessions on a Tuesday and I always think that's a bit too close to Sunday's long run with just the one rest day in between - personally I reckon Wednesday or Thursday works out better for attempting anything fast if you're doing a LSR on a Sunday, though that may just be what works better for me.

I've been running almost two years now and have had a few injury issues along the way so my experience is bound to be different from those who have been running longer or who are less prone to injury.
Jul 2013
1:30pm, 2 Jul 2013
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Agree with Fozzy, LSR shouldn't be a hard run. I often run a parkrun on Sat and and an LSR on Sunday. But then I'm never really giving it everything I've got on a parkrun either. So it's a SSR the day before a LSR!
Jul 2013
9:52pm, 2 Jul 2013
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I'm not suggesting pushing hard on the LSR but purely by virtue of distance and time on feet it will be harder than a mid-week easy run. As an example I've done a fast 'ish 8k tonight including some hilly sections and SportTracks gives it a TRIMP of 110, my 22k LSR (which included some walking on a b*stardof a hill scored a TRIMP of 283.

For that matter I've just looked at my Parkrun PB and that only got a TRIMP of 95 so actually the impact of a 5K isn't that great.
Jul 2013
9:58pm, 2 Jul 2013
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runner duck
i think it might depend on how used you are to lsr's. if you are new to them and building up the distance for the first time or after a long lay-off then i would say only do parkrun if you are going to be disciplined enough to run easy otherwise you will be too depleted for your long run however slowly you run it.

it's easy to forget just how hard lsr's are when you aren't used to them.

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Maintained by Molesy
I tend not to do Parkrun because it doesn't seem like a good idea doing it the day before my LSR ie...
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