Jul 2021
12:54pm, 27 Jul 2021
7,207 posts
paul the builder
My monthly summary says 26% zone 0 and 69% zone 1.
Those numbers aren't a good fit for the HR data recorded in this month's training, which would be vast majority zone 2 & zone 3.
However, I have run "pace zones" settings (out of date now I'm a slow non-runner) which *would* explain the 26% zone 0 and 69% zone 1, if they were used in the calculation.
[Where someone has HR data, then all calcs should really default to using that.]
Jul 2021
1:01pm, 27 Jul 2021
2,051 posts
On my monthly summary the HR zones are identical to my time in pace zones in percentage terms. It also includes my pace zones in the HR zones. It is almost as if they've been merged in error? As obviously the paces in HR zones may vary dramatically from run to run.
All looks fabulous anyway and is definitely looking like it is going to be really helpful, maybe just a couple of minor tweaks still needed.👍😊
Jul 2021
1:03pm, 27 Jul 2021
26,335 posts
IIRC, my algorithm breaks all your runs into 100 metre chunks, and takes the average HR during that chunk as a data point.
Jul 2021
1:04pm, 27 Jul 2021
34,923 posts
So what you're say Fetch is you already have 100m benchmarks?
Jul 2021
1:06pm, 27 Jul 2021
26,336 posts
In my monthly summary, I see pace zones as follows:
Pace Bracket
Percent Zone 5 <7:30 0.3 0.4% Zone 4 <8:00 0.7 0.9% Zone 3 <8:30 2.2 3% Zone 2 <9:00 9.8 13.6% Zone 1 <9:30 24.0 33.3% Zone 0 35.0 48.7%
and HR zones as follows:
Z0 = 9% Z1 = 38% Z2 = 28% Z3 = 25% Z4 =1% Z5 = 0
Jul 2021
1:07pm, 27 Jul 2021
26,337 posts
Let's try that formatting again:
Zone, Pace Bracket, Miles, Percent Zone 5 <7:30 0.3 0.4% Zone 4 <8:00 0.7 0.9% Zone 3 <8:30 2.2 3% Zone 2 <9:00 9.8 13.6% Zone 1 <9:30 24.0 33.3% Zone 0 35.0 48.7%
and HR zones as follows:
Z0 = 9% Z1 = 38% Z2 = 28% Z3 = 25% Z4 =1% Z5 = 0
Jul 2021
1:11pm, 27 Jul 2021
26,338 posts
Just for the avoidance of doubt, are you spotting that the HR distribution is a bar beneath the pace distribution?
Jul 2021
1:31pm, 27 Jul 2021
26,339 posts
PtB - I've had a look at your summary page, and I think you're looking in the wrong place. Admittedly, I could do with making more of the HR distribution (it can probably form part of that larger table), but it's always been just below the pace table, not part of it.
Bonners - same
Clearly that's my next usability update
Jul 2021
1:43pm, 27 Jul 2021
7,208 posts
paul the builder
Ah. I never even scrolled down, I just assumed that this bit: was telling me time in HR zones.
Jul 2021
1:59pm, 27 Jul 2021
26,340 posts
Nah, I'll get to that in time, but I'm going through crayons at quite a rate here.