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Heart rate

1 lurker | 302 watchers
Aug 2020
1:21pm, 20 Aug 2020
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larkim, I ignore them completely. In fact I tend to ignore most of the 'information' coming from the watch software, to do with training benefit, etc. They're extrapolating way too much from a limited set of data. Polar seems to be particularly bad with this.
Aug 2020
1:34pm, 20 Aug 2020
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Badger - Re your session, that's a decent one if you could run it at mile Badger, re your session looks to tough for middle distance pace but relatively short recovery will lead to build up as you say.

Nellers - Not a rower but I thought 6 min reps sounded long for a anaerobic session although I'm sure there was a contribution.

Calories isn't really something I think about.
Aug 2020
1:35pm, 20 Aug 2020
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I love when you reword a post but forget to delete the first bit, lol.
Aug 2020
1:44pm, 20 Aug 2020
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The other one I regularly do is 6x500m, SPR. The 800s I tend to do if I have an eyeballs-out half marathon in mind, 500s for shorter distances, and the outcomes suggest they're both better than no speedwork. What would you advise for middle distance pace?

I don't pay a lot of attention to calories either. The scales tell me most of what I need to know, and the calories on the watch aren't going to make a lot of difference to how much food/sports drink I get down myself on a long race or training run.
Aug 2020
2:00pm, 20 Aug 2020
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Badger - You don't need MD (800/1500) pace as it's not what you race so you're fine.

For mile pace I'd normally go for shorter reps in sets with relatively short recovery between reps and longer between sets.

800 reps at mile pace are tough so would be looking at longer recovery between reps (say 3-5 mins) if I did that.
Aug 2020
2:25pm, 20 Aug 2020
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Yeah SPR, it's supposed to flirt with the edges of anaerobic towards the end of each 6 minute piece I think, from the way I understand this training methodology. It's actually referred to in the plan as a "Transport" or "Oxygen Transportation" session, which is terminology I've only ever seen in relation to rowing.

The types of training I get on the plan are:

Oxygen Utilisation 2 (UT2) - Easy aerobic pace for longer than 30 minute duration
UT1 - Still aerobic but sustained pace, so 10-30 minute efforts.
Oxygen Transportation (TR) - 6-10 minute pieces, roughly Anaerobic Threshold
Anaerobic Tolerance (AT) - Less than 2 minute pieces at high effort
Anaerobic (AN) - V short and flat out

Anyone with experience in other sports seen anything similar? They're all supposed to be based around relative pace to a 2km PB, or to HR levels, although the rowing world seems split on how much use HR is, probably because not many people use it correctly.
Aug 2020
2:33pm, 20 Aug 2020
20,520 posts
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It would be handy if yesterday's 42 km bike ride had really used over 3000 cals (as reported by watch app). I suspect 900 is nearer the mark (or 700 more than sitting watching tv).
Aug 2020
2:37pm, 20 Aug 2020
37,012 posts
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I think watch estimates are just that, estimates. I guess they're more accurate if they have power readings in them too, because power and duration give you a reasonably accurate measure of energy burned on a bike ride, more so than just estimating from speed/distance/HR I would think.

On the rower it's measuring power and duration so is accurate in terms of the energy used to actually drive the flywheel BUT any inefficiency in your technique is going to be wasting additional calories in superfluous/inefficient movement.

Estimates for things like weight training are little more than educated guesses though.
Aug 2020
2:38pm, 20 Aug 2020
6,878 posts
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paul the builder
I get plausible calorie numbers from a simple FitBit monitor - but I know that they are 'better' (more like what I expect) if I tighten the strap one notch on my wrist before I run.

But my acceptable margin for error is pretty big - I do plot these numbers (of course I do ;-) ). But only the full daily calories out number, so +/- 50, or even 100, for a one hour run probably doesn't matter.
Aug 2020
2:46pm, 20 Aug 2020
30,940 posts
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Nellers - Sounds like running lactate threshold training. Guess the Oxygen Transportation phrase is about some science behind it all?

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach
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