Aug 2020
5:13pm, 19 Aug 2020
2,931 posts
Yes, absolutely. I'm sure we've all seen this when running up a hill. Your heart rate keeps climbing, you get to the top of the hill and run on the flat, maybe even downhill, but your heart rate continues to climb for a short while. (Actually, I'm never entirely sure whether part of that is to do with the way it is recorded - it's not instantaneous and what you're seeing is in fact the average of the previous 5 seconds or something).
Aug 2020
5:16pm, 19 Aug 2020
30,931 posts
Pretty sure it's related to oxygen debt which is what happens happens when you do anaerobic activity.
Aerobic system is also slow to warm up for high end aerobic activities which is why a good warm up helps for racing.
Aug 2020
5:31pm, 19 Aug 2020
12,676 posts
Last session I did was 4x800m/90s recoveries, which came up as 2.7 Maintaining on Anaerobic. I can see the heart rate rising higher on each cycle. That was with a chest strap, which I'd normally use for intervals because I trust it a bit more than a high-arm optical strap when things are changing fast. I'd only use the watch optical if I'd nothing else available.
Aug 2020
5:48pm, 19 Aug 2020
37,006 posts
I'm about to do an Anaerobic Threshold session on the rower and I'm going to use the 735XT to do a backup record of HR. The Rower monitor connects to the chest strap so I usually don't bother with the watch at all and rely on the monitor recording of the session.
I wonder what it will do about aerobic/anaerobic training effects, if anything given that it's rowing not running? Session is 4 x 6 minutes with 3 minutes recoveries, so should be long enough to get me up into a decently high zone. Interesting to experiment.
Aug 2020
6:05pm, 19 Aug 2020
30,932 posts
Might be good to do it with the chest strap given we know the wrist one will fail.
My guess is it would need a VO2 Max for rowing though which it can't calculate?
Actually I think I may have seen somewhere that training effect only applies to running and cycling activities.
Aug 2020
6:18pm, 19 Aug 2020
37,007 posts
It gave me a 2.2 aerobic training effect for the warmup, but I Binks I burned 30-odd less calories than the tower recorded (I’d trust the tower on that as it’s calculating from power and duration, the watch is only Doing it from hr).
*SPR - yep, chest strap all the way.
Aug 2020
6:24pm, 19 Aug 2020
30,933 posts
I've been doing a little googling and it seems you'd need to get the power into the Garmin somehow for anaerobic effect so it would work like cycling (power is used instead of speed there as well).
Sounds like it could be done in theory.
Aug 2020
7:16pm, 19 Aug 2020
37,008 posts
It thinks I burned. Binks definitely wasn’t involved.
The full session gave me a 3.6 aerobic training effect but I don’t think I got the hr close enough to the anaerobic zone. Spent a chunk of each rep in the threshold zone, which was the point really.
Aug 2020
7:29pm, 19 Aug 2020
37,009 posts
Oddly it slightly overestimated calories burned for the main session compared to the rower monitor.🤔
Aug 2020
1:15pm, 20 Aug 2020
11,740 posts
Does anyone ever really trust calories from devices? I always treat them as being nonsense numbers as they are so subject to the various different algorithms used to estimate them. There are too many factors a watch or even a rower don't know to be able to reliably use them as definitive figures. No reason to think that a 500cal effort is approx twice as energy burning as a 250cal effort when recorded on the same device, but expecting a 500cal effort to be exactly reported as a 500 cal effort on two different devices runnng simultaneously seems unrealistic.