Jun 2020
10:08am, 12 Jun 2020
256 posts
I'm well thanks, and still running
Jun 2020
10:50am, 12 Jun 2020
70,150 posts
I expect nothing less from you Shades, I can still turn a solid 5km :¬)
Jun 2020
11:07am, 12 Jun 2020
36,494 posts
I posted on here a few weeks back about the HRV4Training app and that I was starting to use it. Thought I'd pop back after a month or so and let you know what I've found so far:
It's very easy to use. 1 minute of measurement using the phone camera when you first wake. It tells you how good the signal was (ie if you moved your finger while it was measuring) so if you do you can always redo it very easily.
The app also asks a range of questions about subjective things like how much muscle soreness you feel, how fatigued you are etc. These feed into what it calls your "recovery points" along with the actual HRV measure.
Over the period I've been using it my baseline has become a bit more consistent and I'm starting to get a bit more of a feel for what it's actually telling me.
I've only been told to "limit my intensity" about 4 times over the last month and was able to just swap out whatever I had planned for something a bit lighter where appropriate.
In terms of training hours I've done more in May and so far in June than I'd usually manage and I don't feel blown out or over tired. This may have to do with the WFH/no commute/lockdown lifestyle though.
I'm just entering a period of some session with higher intensity for the next few weeks and I'm curious what the app will say about that.
Don't know if that is of interest/useful/obvious to anyone on here. I'd be interested to read anyone else's experiences using HRV to manage training effort if you've tried it.
Jun 2020
11:21am, 12 Jun 2020
70,153 posts
So it is working for you Nellers , I'm interested in your updates.
Jun 2020
11:23am, 12 Jun 2020
36,495 posts
Seems to be so far Gobi. I think the next few weeks as I do some short interval rowing sessions in and get my HR up a bit more than I've done recently might be the tester for it. We'll see.
Jun 2020
1:20pm, 12 Jun 2020
257 posts
Gobi - I've never run a 5k. Still prefer the longer distances 😊
Jun 2020
1:22pm, 12 Jun 2020
70,163 posts
LOL Shades - I have raced from 60 metres to 100kms
Doctor retired me which is why I disappeared from the long scene
I just like racing :¬)
Jun 2020
1:22pm, 12 Jun 2020
70,164 posts
Nellers - keep reporting in mate
Jun 2020
2:52pm, 25 Jun 2020
1,276 posts
Paul N
My volumes have gone through the roof in lockdown, thought it was time I started to pay attention to training intensity before things inevitably went boom.
Chest strap came on Tuesday, did a little MHR test (184) and have been trying to focus on Zone 2 the past couple of days.
Dear god, does it get any quicker? And are hills now off limits completely?
Jun 2020
3:05pm, 25 Jun 2020
11,350 posts
LOL, it's an eye opener isn't it! It's taken me a long time to reconcile the undoubted benefit of training at lower intensities with some testosterone fuelled desire just to run at my spuriously defined "natural" pace. Those days are past now (when I'm actually training for something) and I'm gradually learning to enjoy the slower pace that low HR activities require.
Heat is also a big factor. In April this year I ran a local climb at 8:14 avg / 146bpm. In the heat of Wednesday evening I ran it at 9:50 avg / 142bpm (I was trying to keep it down). Part of that change in HR is a little loss of running fitness, but it was mostly just down to the heat.