Heart rate

1 lurker | 300 watchers
Apr 2015
8:20pm, 10 Apr 2015
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So, was my 3:03:07 in the Edinburgh marathon of 2009 in 26/7 degrees then worth a sub 3 ;-)

I ran well that day and the heat didnt seem to impact me whereas on other cooler (but arguably less fit) days I have suffered more
Apr 2015
9:25pm, 10 Apr 2015
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So 9 weeks into my HR experiment, and it's put up or shut up time with my half on Sunday. I did a timed downhill 3k and it was identical to the second (10.33) as the one I did 5 weeks ago. So I haven't lost speed. The question is will there be any endurance benefits?

I'm sure you're saying 9 weeks is still too early to know. I don't expect to go smashing anything up, I ran 1.29.51 5 weeks ago, against my pb of 1.29.00. I lost about 25 second on mile 12 as well, which I'm still cross about. Taunton has a tough hill at mile 12, and a nice downhill in the last mile. To be honest I'm unlikely to go much faster than 1.29.51 (which is possibly what you might expect?) I think HR training is likely to become a tool in my box, for when the distance ramps up to help me get to 70-80 miles a week without killing myself. But to continue with it full time, I expect to be quicker than 1.29.51... even if only by a handful of seconds. Is that fair enough or just impatient?
Apr 2015
9:46pm, 10 Apr 2015
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Chris. In my experience of hr training nine weeks is not very long to see the benefits. That said I hope you do see quicker returns than I did

I would say though that I am benefitting now for 8months hr training over a year ago.
Apr 2015
10:34pm, 10 Apr 2015
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yes it was Canada

I would expect quicker Chris, I think 9 weeks should give you a little indication but it depends on favourable conditions of course
Apr 2015
10:50pm, 10 Apr 2015
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Well weather set to turn cooler, it is a flat course barring one hill from the end which is not like a Cornish hill, so fingers crossed. I do feel stronger, my heart rate doesn't spike on hills in the way it used to, and perhaps most importantly running has become more fun again. Perhaps ultimately nothing else matters apart from that :-)
Apr 2015
9:27am, 11 Apr 2015
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That was the way I felt yesterday morning Chris. :)
Apr 2015
4:06pm, 12 Apr 2015
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Ah well I think here ends my little HR experiment, after one of the worst halfs in 5 years running. I have to conclude either I needed to be running slower all along, or that I need variety in my training. Ended with 5 blisters on forefeet in complete agony as well just to add insult to injury. I think HR can stay for my easy runs, but I need to be putting in a couple of either hill or tempo runs a week, as I did before. There was a litany of other things that didn't help (unrealistic starting pace, the unforecast heat, the strong headwind, leftovers from a cold) but felt really flat throughout, although had been flat in week leading up.
Apr 2015
5:47pm, 12 Apr 2015
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Not given long enough and it doesn't sound like you engine was the issue Chris

I did 10 miles avg 10.47 today at Brighton marathon avg HR 93. Living the joggers dream
Apr 2015
6:45pm, 12 Apr 2015
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Gobi - I'm not throwing it completely, I think it can work, I'm going to intersperse with hill and tempo and see if there's any effect there. Traditionally my quickest way to get fast is do some hellish hills, not at a hard pace, but at a steady pace.

There's also one or two other interesting things, which I don't like but might have to consider, one is last 2 years 6 weeks alcohol abstention, before and almost up to the half day itself, and before this race have been drinking like a fish, and really I wouldn't have said it would have made much difference, but might. Hydration possibly an issue too, weight down at the end,

Lots learned, I'd say that my form had "improved"/changed, I normally go back onto my heels when I tire, but here the evidence is quite clearly I'm landing mid to forefoot much more consistently (because when running slower to hr, tend to concentrate on my form, so might need more cushioning in my runners. I don't feel that I have lost fitness, just some tweaks to see how things are affected.
Apr 2015
7:26pm, 12 Apr 2015
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Chris - you are quitting on something that is a long term fix when it is obvious you have not given it a fair go - your call but I think you could be missing a trick here

That said I still do a weekly raw speed session where I ignore the HRM

About This Thread

Maintained by Elderberry
Everything you need to know about training with a heart rate monitor. Remember the motto "I can maintain a fast pace over the race distance because I am an Endurance God". Mind the trap door....

Gobi lurks here, but for his advice you must first speak his name. Ask and you shall receive.

A quote:

"The area between the top of the aerobic threshold and anaerobic threshold is somewhat of a no mans land of fitness. It is a mix of aerobic and anaerobic states. For the amount of effort the athlete puts forth, not a whole lot of fitness is produced. It does not train the aerobic or anaerobic energy system to a high degree. This area does have its place in training; it is just not in base season. Unfortunately this area is where I find a lot of athletes spending the majority of their seasons, which retards aerobic development. The athletes heart rate shoots up to this zone with little power or speed being produced when it gets there." Matt Russ, US International Coach

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