May 2020
12:51pm, 11 May 2020
10,581 posts
mrs shanksi
Ooer Jock!
I have washing on the line, hopefully it won't snow today and the washing can be brought in dry on the same day.
May 2020
1:00pm, 11 May 2020
49,933 posts
Dr PhFleecyD
There’s so much crud flying round I think my washing would end up dirtier if left outside
May 2020
1:53pm, 11 May 2020
2,981 posts
Oh dear Jock, let's hope you've got another pair.
The washing on our rotary clothes line is whizzing round at top speed at the moment. I better go & check that it's still all there.
I ran the 7 miles to our daughters this morning. It was like running in treacle. I got blown to a standstill on more than one occasion.
May 2020
8:52pm, 14 May 2020
3,853 posts
Surrey Phil
One wash done and the next one hung out. Drying overnight will save me a job to do tomorrow morning even though it won't be that warm!
May 2020
5:51pm, 17 May 2020
3,894 posts
Surrey Phil
Washing hung out at lunchtime. Neighbours have since [yet again] lit a barbecue without a courtesy "do you mind?" So, instead of 'summer breeze' the washing will now have the aroma of 'charcoal briquette smoke.'
Thankfully, the next batch is still in the washing machine.
May 2020
12:45pm, 18 May 2020
3,009 posts
Washing out on the line at 8.30 this morning.
Just got back from a long run over the Downs & the washing is bone dry. A happy fluffing day here in West Sussex.
May 2020
12:48pm, 18 May 2020
41,893 posts
Derby Tup
Wild day here. You’d need some strong pegs if you were to put washing out today
May 2020
1:09pm, 18 May 2020
5,277 posts
I'm in purgatory... line finally broke for the 3rd time. Trying to replace it is not going well.
Have 2 loads on the clothes horse onnthe patio. Lovely and hot with light breeze. Perfect line day 🙄
May 2020
1:14pm, 18 May 2020
10,601 posts
mrs shanksi
Disaster 1step!
I've not risked it today. The clouds here are dark and when the rain comes it's been heavy.
May 2020
1:42pm, 18 May 2020
31,082 posts
Washing just hung out. It was wet this morning but just back from dog walk and it's perfect drying conditions.